Sales Manager Resume Guide

19 Sales Manager Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2025

Sales managers are one of the most consistently in-demand jobs due to the ongoing need for companies to move their products. If you’re interested in a specific position, we’ll help you tailor your resume to fit the hiring manager’s expectations in this guide. To get an idea of what different sales manager resumes should look like, we’ve included five templates you can follow.

See Sales Manager Resume Examples 
Hiring Manager for Sales Manager Roles
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

As long as companies are selling products, there will be a need for skilled people who help sell them - and that means sales managers are a field that will enjoy consistent demand. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, in fact, anticipates a steady four percent growth in sales manager positions each year through 2029.

Along with determining how best to assist companies in selling their products, sales managers are generally expected to be able to work with individual clients to gain their interest (and keep it) in high value products.

Sales managers can be employed in a wide variety of industries, and the responsibilities each position involves will be specific to the job title. With that in…

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