Instant professional resume proofreading, for free

Ever thought you'd crafted the perfect resume only to spot a typo right after hitting 'send'? We've been there, and we're here to help.

Find and fix all of your resume’s mistakes and save yourself hours of work proofreading your resume with our free AI-powered proofreading software. Receive instant fixes for common errors and personalized feedback on improving your resume to boost your chances of success.

Drop your resume here or choose a file.
English resumes in PDF or DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.
   100% privacyWe're committed to your privacy. Your resume will be scanned securely to give you confidential feedback instantly. Your resume is completely private to you and can be deleted at any time.

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Our resume proofreader, shown here, will check your resume for mistakes and give you a score out of 100.

  • Proofread your resume for mistakes in just 25 seconds using our tool.
  • Receive tailored feedback and instant fixes with our professional resume proofreading service

    Your resume is arguably the most important aspect of any successful job search. It's your first impression, a summary of your skills and experience, and your way of showing a recruiter you're the right candidate for the job. So, of course, you want your resume to be the best it can be

    Proofreading is key to creating a polished, high-performing resume. Pesky typos can ruin the impact of a well-crafted resume, as it makes your resume appear sloppy and lacking attention to detail. But there is more to proofreading than just spelling mistakes.

    Resume proofreading is also about checking for proper use of keywords, ensuring your statements are impactful and memorable, and making sure you have the right balance of relevant experience and competitive skills. You're not only proofreading for what you've written but also for what you've chosen to include or exclude from your resume.

    Our AI-powered resume proofreading services help you tackle all aspects of proofreading at once. It checks for consistent spelling, proper resume punctuation and grammar, and fixes any typos. It will also scan your resume for industry-specific keywords, offer advice on essential skills to include, and provide feedback on how to improve the impact, style, and brevity of your resume.

    Proofread your resume  »

How to proofread your resume

Proofreading is an essential step in crafting a high-performing resume, but it doesn't have to take all day. Our AI proofreading software will scan your resume for common mistakes and provide instant personalized feedback on how to improve.

  Check for typos

Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors can easily slip through the cracks when you're proofreading your own resume. Our AI software will check for consistent spelling, proper resume capitalization, correct use of punctuation, and, of course, remove any pesky resume typos.

🎯  Scan for keywords

Keyword inclusion is crucial in showing a recruiter you are the right candidate for the job. Proofread your resume to ensure you have included all the keywords used in the job description, the specific job title, any hard skills mentioned, and other industry-specific keywords related to the position.

Here’s a glimpse of the areas our expert resume proofreader will scrutinize your resume on.

Your entire resume is proofread based on several checks and we offer suggestions for refinement. Here’s a glimpse of one such suggestion.

🔍  Edit for brevity

Recruiters read hundreds of resumes a day, so you have to grab their attention fast. Replace any lengthy paragraphs or complex sentences with short, concise bullet points to make your resume easier to scan, and try to keep your resume to 2 pages max.

📄  Remove buzzwords

Buzzwords are overused, clichéd phrases such as 'hard worker' or 'team player', that annoy most modern recruiters as they don't provide any hard proof of a candidate's skills. Replace any buzzwords on your resume with strong action verbs and power phrases for a better first impression.

  • Get past ATS with AI-powered proofreading

    Recruiters use Applicant Tracking Systems to filter large numbers of resumes based on specific keyword criteria. If a resume doesn’t include the right keywords, or cannot be scanned by the software, it gets automatically rejected by the ATS before it even makes it into the hands of a recruiter.

    To make sure your resume gets past ATS filters, use a keyword finder to create a list of industry-specific keywords, and proofread your resume to ensure these words appear at least once. Our resume proofreading tool is specifically designed to target keywords based on your industry, job description, and career level to make this step of writing your resume easier.

    Incorrect formatting, complex layouts, and incompatible file types also cause resumes to be rejected by ATS. Our proofreading software scans your resume using the same AI-assisted program as ATS scanners, so you can be confident your resume is appropriately formatted and able to be read.

    Use AI to proofread your resume  »
  • You'll get past the ATS with our AI-powered proofreader
  • With our Resume Proofreader tool, see how well your resume meets the important criteria that hiring managers consider
  • It’s like your own team of professional proofreaders, for free

    Here at Resume Worded, we think writing your resume should be easy, fast, and, most importantly, free. You don’t need to hire expensive resume proofreaders or writers who will take weeks to fix your resume or shell out money for high-price resume writers. Our AI-powered resume proofreading tool is free to use and gives you high-quality, professional advice in seconds.

    Our proofreading tool offers personalized feedback on multiple areas of your resume to help you optimize your resume for each individual application. It’s like having your own personal group of professional resume writers looking over your work, telling you where you went wrong, and offering targeted feedback on how to improve.

    Our software was also developed by our team of professional hiring managers and real-life recruiters, so you know the advice is accurate, up-to-date, and in line with modern resume expectations and current hiring trends.

    Find out what's holding your resume back  »
  • Easily tailor your resume with quick and easy proofreading

    Modern recruiters expect your resume to be tailored to each application, meaning you'll be editing and proofreading your resume every time you apply. This sounds like a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be

    When applying for a new position, you should edit your resume to highlight essential keywords, include relevant hard and soft skills, and cherry-pick your work experience depending on the industry or role. Remove outdated qualifications and irrelevant experience and prioritize competitive transferable skills.

    It can be easy to accidentally miss details like spelling and punctuation when you’re changing your resume so frequently, so you should always run it through a proofreading process before sending it off.

    Our proofreading software only takes a few seconds and can save you hours of work by condensing all the aspects of proofreading into one simple click: checking for mistakes, assessing for keyword inclusion, and providing feedback on how to best tailor your resume to the new application.

    Proofread your resume in seconds  »
  • Make sure your resume is error-free, and get more interviews
  • With our Resume Proofreader tool, see how well your resume meets the important criteria that hiring managers consider
  • Apply to your dream job now with instant proofreading 24/7

    A successful job search involves many things: having a good resume, acing your interview, and highlighting the appropriate transferable skills. But unfortunately, it's also about speed. The job market waits for no one. We get that.

    When you find a job that sounds perfect, you don’t want to wait too long before applying. Some positions may only accept applications for a few weeks, and some close even sooner once they receive a certain number of applicants. The earlier you apply, the better.

    But you still need to tailor your resume to the job, or you’ll risk getting rejected. That’s where our proofreading tool comes in.

    No need to wait weeks for a resume writer to look at your CV, or wait hours for a friend to proofread your resume. Our AI-powered proofreading software gives you instant feedback 24/7, so you can edit, tailor and proofread your resume in minutes, and apply quickly with confidence, knowing you are sending a high-quality resume you can be proud of.

    Find out what's holding your resume back  »