Optimize your resume to get more interviews, instantly

Want to optimize your resume for recruiters and resume screening systems? Upload it to our free resume optimizer and you'll instantly find out how it scores against key criteria hiring managers look for. You'll also find out if your resume's template is optimized to pass Applicant Tracking Systems and other hiring systems.

Drop your resume here or choose a file.
English resumes in PDF or DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.
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A screenshot of the resume optimization tool, which checks your resume for common issues that can get your resume rejected.

  • Our tool will find ways to optimize your resume.
  • Optimize your resume in seconds, for free

    A quality resume can help you create the right impression on reviewers, land interviews, and ultimately, win jobs. Even though several different factors determine whether or not you’re going to be called in for an interview, in many cases it all boils down to your resume’s capacity to convince employers that they should hire you.

    But before hiring managers even consider your resume, they’ll run it through software known as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). ATSs are designed to help employers streamline the recruiting process. The ATS filters through applications and lets ones that are worth the recruiters’ time through, while ignoring the rest. Pretty much all online job boards or careers pages are linked up to an ATS - so it's likely your resume is going to go through one of them.

    So when you’re preparing your resume, it’s not enough to consider that it’ll impress hiring managers. You’ll also have to remember that ATSs reject applications that don’t fit certain standards. And that’s why you need the resume optimizer.

    The resume optimizer does what its name suggests, it optimizes your resume. But what does that really mean? Let's break it down.

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What does it mean to have an optimized resume, exactly?

Applicant tracking systems have several criteria they use to recognize which applications deserve to be reviewed by hiring managers. Essentially, it comes down to a few key things.

  • Improve your resume's readability, aka optimize your template
    This is probably the most important thing you need to make sure of. Now that you know your resume is going to be read and processed by an automated hiring system, you're going to want to make sure it's actually going to be read correctly. Many people make the mistake of using a complicated resume template that was designed in Photoshop or Canva. Sure, these look nice, but ATS and hiring systems can't process them. An ATS won't be able to figure out your experience from a template it can't read in the first place, so you'll likely be automatically discarded. So, first things first, use a resume template that was created in a text processing tool, not a design tool. Word, Google Docs, and most tools like that are perfectly fine to use.
  • Optimize your section titles
    Similarly, you want to use conventional resume formatting standards. For example, title your work experience 'Work Experience', and not 'Things I have been doing'. These things sound simple, but make a big difference to your resume's readability. Not only will a hiring system more easily understand your experience, a hiring manager will to once it gets to them.
  • Using the right words, aka 'Keyword optimization'
    These criteria include keywords and relevance of your resume to the job description. ATS and hiring systems essentially want to make sure you're a good 'fit'. And the way they do that is by checking if you have the right skills on your resumes. If you're unsure what skills or keywords to include, don't worry — that's what this tool is for. Just upload your resume and you'll get suggestions on what to include to ensure your resume is keyword-optimized for ATS.

Find out if your resume is optimized for the ATS

💡   Our resume optimization AI, Score My Resume, has a ton of features that can help you write a better resume. Aside from showing you what your resume needs, it can grade your resume by pitting it against several factors that define a winning resume.

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  • Examples of common resume mistakes people make

    How an Applicant Tracking System works and filters applicants

  • The tedious job application process

    Finding a job can be exhausting. You go on a job hunt, try to find ones that are a great fit, prepare your resume, send in your application and wait. Preparing your resume can be a chore and waiting for a reply can be nerve-wracking, especially when considering that an ATS could reject your resume. You might be very careful when preparing your resume, but there’s always the possibility that it won’t make it past the ATS because of errors that weren’t obvious to you.

    Even when you make it through the ATS though, there’s another layer of review that your resume will be filtered through. And this part is the most challenging and competitive part of the application process. We’re talking about the hiring managers who’ll make the final call. Convincing them to hire you requires more than just your skills and experiences. Your resume is their point of reference and you need to optimize your resume so that they’ll know you’re the right fit for the job.

    Optimize your resume for ATS and hiring managers »
  • Getting past the ATS can help you win interviews

    Although an optimized resume does not automatically guarantee that you’ll be hired or even called for an interview, it’ll significantly increase your chances. Not to mention the assurance you’ll get knowing that the ATS won’t throw away your application because you forgot to include a keyword.

    ATSs look out for a lot in a resume, so it can be difficult to notice why your resume could be rejected. Keyword optimization, formatting, grammar, and other details determine whether or not your resume reaches the actual reviewers. If you’re new to these concepts, learning the ropes and crafting a resume from scratch can seem like a job in and of itself. The whole process consumes valuable time and energy and the last thing on your mind should be worrying about details on how to prepare a resume.

  • Examples of common resume mistakes people make

    How an Applicant Tracking System works and filters applicants

  • Our resume checker will help you optimize your resume, by first scoring it on key criteria like readability by applicant tracking systems and making sure you've used the right skills.
  • We built a tool to guide you through optimizing your resume

    We know how exhausting it is to go through the whole process, and how unnecessary it is to go above and beyond to prepare a resume only for it to be thrown away by a bot. And that’s why this resume optimizer was created.

    The resume optimizer uses artificial intelligence to show you which parts of your resume need a quick fix. It was made by recruiters who know the whole process, everything from what makes a great resume to why many decent resumes don’t get the consideration they deserve.

    All you’ll have to do is simply upload your resume and the tool instantly optimizes it for the ATS and hiring managers by rearranging keywords, correcting grammatical errors, and reformatting. With the resume optimizer, you don’t need to spend days researching how the ATS works and how you can get past it.

    Beat the ATS  »