Get free AI-powered help on your resume, in seconds.

Not sure if your resume is good enough? Upload it to our free resume helper tool, which will give you professional, personalized feedback instantly. You'll find out exactly where it falls short and what you need to fix to get hired.

Drop your resume here or choose a file.
English resumes in PDF or DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.
   100% privacyWe're committed to your privacy. Your resume will be scanned securely to give you confidential feedback instantly. Your resume is completely private to you and can be deleted at any time.

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Our easy-to-use resume helper tool helps you improve your resume in minutes.

  • Our resume scanner has helped thousands of people improve their resumes.
  • Get instant help on your resume, from an AI created by expert hiring managers. For free.

    First impressions matter. Especially in this highly competitive job market. Your resume is the key to making a good first impression. Recruiters have to go through a mountain of resumes every day, and the only way you can stand out from that pile is through a resume that makes an impact. So regardless of how much experience you have or how skilled you are, if your resume is lacking, then hiring managers will skim past yours and choose a resume that makes an impact.

    Unfortunately, you’ll never know why your resume was rejected; recruiters won’t tell you anything more than sending a customary, automated email or message that informs you you were rejected.

    This is where our tool comes into play. Our resume helper tool is designed in such a way that it will look out for weak links, such as grammatical mistakes, poor structure and layout, wrong choice of words, and more, which will inadvertently increase your chances of landing a job. And the best part? It’s free!

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Do I need help with my resume?

It depends. Do you know what hiring managers are looking for?

It’s always better to be safe than sorry. So even if you’re confident that you’ve covered all the bases, it's good practice to double-check everything with a tool that checks that you meet the standards hiring managers are looking for.

You don’t get many chances to apply for the same job, so when you do apply, you’ll want to with a resume that displays your profile and experience in the best way possible. Our free tool will give you the help you need to do just that, and it’ll increase the chances of your resume staying out of the rejected pile.

Here is what to expect to get feedback on through the resume helper:

  • Find out if you're using the right keywords
    All resumes must pass through an initial screening which an application tracking system or ATS conducts. ATS is designed to look for specific keywords tailored to the job you’re applying for. So if your resume is short of these keywords, ATS will automatically reject it. Our resume helper tells you what keywords to include and where to include them.
  • Find out if your resume template is effective enough
    We all want our resumes to stand out, especially when competing with people who have similar experiences and skills. For most people, picking a colorful template or one with intricate designs and stylish fonts seems like a surefire way to catch the recruiter’s attention. What you’re not considering is negative attention.

    With resumes, simplicity is the best option. The more you work on your resume, the more you’re tempted to enhance its appearance to make it more appealing. But that isn’t recommended. Worse, applicant tracking systems (i.e. ATS) might not work well on such fancy fonts and designs, so you could get rejected by a resume screener. The resume helper smartly analyzes your template's structure, so you know if your resume will be processed correctly by those systems.
  • Learn how to beef up your accomplishments
    Most people underplay their achievements. They mention the work they’ve done, but they don’t mention the impact their work has had. For example, you could’ve written an excellent, SEO-optimized article for your company that increased its traffic by 150%, leading to more revenue generation.

    Instead of just writing that you wrote good articles for XYZ company, you should go in as much detail as you can. Tell the hiring managers how your work impacted the traffic and how the company benefited from it. Be bold and confident. In this job market, the nail that sticks out doesn’t get hammered in; it gets the job.

  • A list of issues the resume helper will guide you through

    How the ATS works and filters applicants

  • A professional resume helper that will help you tackle ATS

    An Applicant Tracking System or ATS is a software designed to handle large numbers of applications by processing them through filters that look for specific information, such as job-specific keywords, resume length, or impact.

    It’s incredibly challenging for hiring managers to process the sheer number of applications that are received, so ATS acts as a filter between the recruiter and the applicants. It decreases the applications to a manageable number. It has multiple layers of assessment, but the most important of those are simplicity and relevancy.

    Unfortunately, there are some gaps in the applicant tracking system, so even if you’re the perfect fit for the job, if ATS doesn’t deem your resume worthy, you won’t get a callback. This could be because your resume doesn’t follow the standards or there is too much variation for the system to process it accurately. This is where the previously mentioned aspects come into play.

    The more straightforward and relevant your resume is, the better the chances are of it going through the filtration process and landing in the hands of the recruiter. This includes using simple language, standard resume fonts, correct keywords, and a simple template to bring it all together.

    So for a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to properly develop a resume that will tackle ATS and give you the best chance of landing the job you want, use our free Score My Resume tool.

    Get instant, professional help on your resume»
  • Don't want to spend? We hear you. Our tool is free to use!

    You will find plenty of “premium” options out there that will promise you excellent results and the best resume you’ve ever seen but here at Resume Worded, we believe that these services should be free, and free they are.

    Anyone can download a template and fill it in, but there is much more to it than that. This is where our AI-powered tool comes in and helps you improve your resume. You simply have to upload it to our website, and the tool will give you a detailed analysis of what can be changed and how.

    After that, it's just a matter of making those changes, and you’re good to go. So forget about paying for a writing tool or hiring someone to do it for you; you’ll get everything you need with our free professional tool.

  • A list of ways to get past the resume screeners and applicant tracking system

    Simple ways to beat the ATS

  • Image of a resume helper tool that scores and provides suggestions for improving resumes.
  • Improve your resume with detailed feedback for free.

    Everyone prefers to purchase something made by an expert in that particular field. Our tool is designed and developed by HR managers with years of experience who know exactly what recruiters are looking for in a resume and what red flags to avoid. On top of that, the AI-powered algorithm has been developed and tested rigorously against industry standards to give you the best feedback and list of improvements.

    Generally, there are some common mistakes which include typos, wrong formatting, buzzwords, lack of keywords, etc. Still, all of these things are easy to fix, and our tool has been programmed to target all these and more so that you can rest easy and be confident while applying for any job.

    Uploading your resume and getting feedback is simple and easy, plus it will give you a competitive advantage over the competition. So give our tool a test run and see the magic happen.

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