Professionally rate your resume today

Want to find out how your resume stacks up against the rest? Use our free resume rater to professionally scan your resume and see how it compares to top-rated resumes in your field. Then, receive instant feedback on how to improve your rating to help you land your next interview.

Drop your resume here or choose a file.
English resumes in PDF or DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.
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Our resume rater, pictured here, will give your resume a rating out of 100.

  • Rate your resume in 25 seconds using this tool
  • Rate your resume using professional software and instantly improve your chances of getting hired

    Your resume is a vital part of your job search and the first impression you make on potential employers. It is your foot in the door, your professional calling card, so you want to ensure your resume is the best it can be.

    Recruiters read hundreds of resumes every day, looking for the top-rated resumes to pass on to employers. Your resume needs to be polished, free from errors, and showcase your skills in the way professional recruiters are looking for. Having the right experience is vital, but you need to wow the recruiter and stand out from the crowd if you want to land that all-important interview.

    Our resume rating tool can help you do just that. Upload your resume into our scanner and receive a professional rating detailing how it currently compares to others in its field. Find out where your resume shines and where it falls flat, and receive personalized feedback on how to improve your rating and tailor your resume to the job you are applying for.

    Don’t let formatting errors or missing keywords hold you back. Use our Rate My Resume tool today, for free, and give yourself the best chance at landing your next job.

    Rate your resume  »

Common mistakes our resume rater can help you avoid

Rating your resume will help you understand where your resume excels and where it misses the mark. Our resume rater checks your resume against key criteria for your job market and provides step-by-step instructions on how to fix these common mistakes.

  Insufficient use of keywords

Keywords are integral to highlighting your experience correctly. Even if you have the required skills, not including specific keywords can detrimentally affect your application. Scan your resume for highly rated keywords and ensure they appear on your resume, so a recruiter can easily pick out your relevant experience.

🔍  Typos and grammatical errors

Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors are easy to miss but make a poor impression on anyone reading your resume. Showcase your attention to detail by proofreading your resume and fixing any pesky typos.

Here is a preview of some of the things our resume rater will rate your resume on

Your overall resume is rated on a number of different checks and give you suggestions for improvement. Here's an example of one.

📄  Poor formatting

Correct formatting not only makes your resume easier to read, but it also helps your resume make it past Applicant Tracking Software, used by recruiters to scan multiple resumes at once. Poor formatting can interfere with this software, so our resume rater specifically scans for formatting issues and indicates what you need to fix.

🎯  Brevity and clarity

Recruiters spend an average of seven seconds with your resume, so too many words can be as detrimental as not enough. Convoluted sentences, repetition, and outdated experience are common mistakes our resume rater can help you avoid, and be sure to check for inaccurate or overlapping dates in your history and experience sections.

  • How a professionally rated resume can help you beat the ATS

    As mentioned above, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are used by most modern recruiters to scan and filter applicants' resumes based on predetermined criteria. They help recruiters reject resumes that don’t contain the right keywords, skills, or experience for the job in question.

    Unfortunately, these systems aren’t perfect, and some candidates can find their resumes wrongly rejected due to not using an ATS-friendly resume, often leading to formatting errors and unconventional layouts. Be sure to use simple formatting and standard font choices, and avoid graphics or charts to make your resume easy to read.

    Our ATS resume rater uses the same software as these types of resume scanners and can help you ensure your formatting and layout choices can be read by ATS software. In addition, your rating will include notes on your use of keywords (often called an ATS rating), the style and brevity of your prose, and the overall impact of your resume, ensuring your skills and experience shine the way they need to.

    Rate your resume's readability  »
  • Find out your resume's ATS rating
  • Get an instant analysis of your resume. Find and fix your resume's mistakes.
  • Professional resume feedback for free from recruiters who know what they’re talking about

    Writing your resume doesn’t have to be hard work, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Professional resume writers take time and money, time you might not have if you need your resume to be fixed today.

    Our Rate My Resume tool provides you with more detailed feedback than you would get from a professional resume writer because it has been designed by exactly that: professional resume writers and real career practitioners. Our team of writers, hiring managers, and experienced recruiters know what modern resumes need and have coded their insights into our tools, which give you up-to-date feedback in line with current recruitment trends.

    And did we mention it’s instant? No waiting around. No delaying your application. Because we believe the best application is one you get to send today, and we want to help you get your resume ready and give you the best chance at landing that job.

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  • Make your resume error free in just a few minutes

    Hiring managers and professional recruiters are looking for just one thing. The best candidate for the job. They don’t have time to wonder how your experience is relevant or to see past formatting issues and grammatical errors. They need you to do all the hard work for them, to spell out, in plain English, why you are the person they’re looking for.

    Simple typing errors and poor formatting are the most common reasons resumes get rejected. Inundated with applications, recruiters are simply looking for an easy way to thin the pile. These issues are the easiest to miss when creating your resume but are also the easiest to fix.

    Proofreading is vital, over and over again, and if you can, having a friend check over your resume always helps.

    To ensure you have caught any little mistakes, run your resume through our resume rater as a final check before submission. It only takes a second, and if it catches even one misspelled word or incorrect capitalization, it will be worth it.

    Find out your resume rating in seconds  »
  • Improve your resume's rating, and get more interviews