Resume Synonyms for Designed

Want another word for Designed to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, "Designed".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

Designing requires a keen eye for detail and an understanding of how all those details come together to create something greater than the sum of its parts. Designers solve problems with their creativity, intuition, and technical know-how—making them invaluable assets in any company!

That's why recruiters like to see the verb 'designed' in your resume—it indicates that you have the skills to make something happen and not just talk about it. But, when writing your resume, it's important to use synonyms to avoid repeating the same word too many times. Repeating the same word can make it seem like you are trying to cram in more information than necessary.

Instead of 'designed,' try using other words that mean roughly the same thing: 'created,' 'developed,' or 'conceptualized.' These power verbs can all be used interchangeably on your resume and help prevent repetition.

Using synonyms will make your resume more engaging and persuasive. The more descriptive and engaging your resume is, the more likely it is that your resume will be read in its entirety by the recruiter.

I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Designed on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Designed:

  • Broadened
  • Expanded
  • Amplified
  • Extended
  • Widened
  • Grew
  • Evolved
  • Advanced
  • Heightened
  • Enhanced
  • Magnified
  • Maximized
  • Enlarged
  • Inflated
  • Multiplied
  • Tripled
  • Effected
  • Introduced
  • Innovated
  • Invented

How to replace Designed with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Designed, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

Before: Weak example using Designed

Designed new data integration processes to reduce data latency

After: Using a stronger synonymStreamlined data integration processes and standardized data feeds across systems, reducing data latency from 15 days to 1 day..

Replacing Designed with Transformed

Before: Designed

Designed a new timeline for product roll-outs

After: TransformedTransformed the product roll-out process, shortening the timeline by 3 months, which increased product market availability by 30% annually.

Transformed clearly tells the reader that you innovated and made changes. I added a measurable impact (shortened timeline by 3 months) and the result of that impact (increase in product market availability) to showcase the effect of the transformation.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Designed.

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use Led on a resume:

Led interview campaign with existing customers (300+ person survey, 40+ face-to-face discussions) to formulate requirements of a new product to help couples manage their expenses; outputs directly impacted product roadmap.

How to use Performed on a resume:

Performed DCF analysis to evaluate offers for company's sell-side process; qualitative offer comparison and quantitative model outputs were shared directly with client's senior management team.

How to use Overhauled on a resume:

Overhauled the company's website by increasing graphics usage by 50% and mobile responsiveness by 100%; generated 70% more leads via email capture forms, reduced bounce rate by 20%.

How to use Delivered on a resume:

Delivered product solutions to institutional and corporate clients; grew customer base by +25% in Europe.

How to use Promoted on a resume:

Promoted within 12 months due to strong performance and organizational impact - ahead of schedule by 12 months.

How to use Developed on a resume:

Developed an iPhone app to help medical professionals measure the insulin needs of patients with diabetes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for Designed on a resume?

Synonyms you can use instead of the overused phrase Designed include:

  • Tripled
  • Grew
  • Magnified
  • Effected
  • Expanded
  • Amplified

What are other words for Designed on a resume?

If you're looking for another word to use in place of Designed, consider using one of these stronger alternatives:

  • Advanced
  • Tripled
  • Introduced
  • Amplified
  • Enhanced
  • Grew

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

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