Resume Synonyms for Help

Want another word for Help to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, "Help".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

When a recruiter sees the word 'help' in your resume, it indicates that you are willing to take on more responsibility and make yourself useful. Hiring managers know that someone who can help them out is going to be an incredible asset to their team. It shows that you are willing to go above and beyond for others in the workplace.

Still, the word help is not specific enough. When you write your resume, you want it to be as descriptive and detailed as possible. The purpose of your resume is to convince hiring managers that you are the best person for the job, so you need to make sure that it speaks directly to their needs and interests.

If you want to describe what kind of work experience you have, try using other action verbs like 'refined,' 'perfected,' and 'rectified.' This will make your resume more descriptive and engaging.

Improving your resume by using descriptive action verbs in place of generic ones can help showcase your achievements more effectively, making it easier for hiring managers to see how your experience will benefit the company.

I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Help on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Help:

  • Accommodated
  • Alleviated
  • Amended
  • Ameliorated
  • Bettered
  • Dealt
  • Mitigated
  • Meliorated
  • Modeled
  • Mobilized
  • Perfected
  • Polished
  • Rectified
  • Refined
  • Reformed
  • Succeeded
  • Strengthened

How to replace Help with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Help, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

Before: Weak example using Help

Help to reduce manufacturing costs by advising on strategy changes like eliminating packaging

After: Using a stronger synonymProposed and implemented major strategy change to eliminate packaging, passing savings to our producers and customers and saving 55% on manufacturing costs.

Replacing Help with Enhanced

Before: Help

Helped improve company's website

After: EnhancedEnhanced the company’s website by conducting in-depth user experience analyses, optimizing page load time by 47% and boosting the overall user engagement by 75%.

This change adds critical specificity to your accomplishments. 'Helped' gets replaced with 'Enhanced', directly stating the action you performed. 'conducted in-depth user experience analyses' shows your method, and quantitative results hammer home the impact.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Help.

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use Assessed on a resume:

Assessed the product portfolio and created a brand turnaround strategy for a global fashion company; conducted qualitative interviews with industry experts and quantitative analysis to determine barriers to purchasing and distribution.

How to use Formulated on a resume:

Formulated implementation plans for transactions in collaboration with senior members of trading, sales, compliance and legal teams; generated annual profits of $10+ million.

How to use Analyzed on a resume:

Analyzed 50+ companies to identify potential investments, built valuation models, and visited 90+ members of senior management in Germany, Nigeria, Indonesia and Singapore to evaluate companies' growth outlook.

How to use Developed on a resume:

Developed strategies to trade and manage risk on the trading book comprising 30+ indices; 2016 P&L: $8M.

How to use Led on a resume:

Led interview campaign with existing customers (300+ person survey, 40+ face-to-face discussions) to formulate requirements of a new product to help couples manage their expenses; outputs directly impacted product roadmap.

How to use Launched on a resume:

Launched an e-commerce website which sold t-shirts themed on the 2016 Presidential Election; successfully processed 800+ online transactions from 600+ unique users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for Help on a resume?

Here are some synonyms for commonly repeated words, like Help, I see on resumes:

  • Bettered
  • Rectified
  • Reformed
  • Modeled
  • Succeeded
  • Dealt

What are other words for Help on a resume?

Generic language like Help are considered to be buzzwords because they're used so often. Consider using synonyms like Ameliorated, Strengthened, Mobilized, Rectified, Meliorated or Amended.

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

As a next step, I'd recommend going through each of your resume's verbs and improving each one with stronger action verbs. The most effective way to do that is by uploading your resume to tool below. It'll tell you which parts of your resume need work, so you can improve them before a recruiter rejects you for them.

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