Resume Synonyms for Support

Want another word for Support to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, "Support".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

A great indicator that you are a team player is when you provide 'Support.' This is important because team members need to be able to rely on each other, and they must be able to trust their colleagues' abilities. Showing that you understand the importance of supporting others is valuable for many companies.

The word support indicates that you have experience pitching in when needed. Still, it is unclear how this experience translates into the skills required for the position you're applying for. This makes it difficult for recruiters to understand your role in a given situation and how it impacted whatever outcome they're looking at.

To address this issue, you can use other words for support in the past tense (if a job listed on your resume is not an ongoing role), emphasizing what you achieved or how successful you were. For example: 'Championed', 'Boosted' or 'Reinforced'.

These power verbs will give recruiters an idea of what kind of work you did on each project and how it impacted the final result, so they can see how you'll be able to contribute to their organization.

I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Support on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Support:

  • Adopted
  • Advised
  • Accommodated
  • Advanced
  • Advocated
  • Bolstered
  • Boosted
  • Championed
  • Coached
  • Consulted
  • Educated
  • Encouraged
  • Endorsed
  • Fielded
  • Furthered
  • Promoted
  • Reinforced
  • Recommended
  • Resolved
  • Suggested

How to replace Support with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Support, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

Before: Weak example using Support

Supported testing teams by creating frameworks and reducing testing timelines

After: Using a stronger synonymImplemented automation and reporting frameworks for product testing, leading to adoption by testing teams and reducing internal testing timelines by 30%.

Replacing Support with Spearheaded

Before: Support

Supported the development of the company's strategic plan

After: SpearheadedSpearheaded the creation of the company's strategic plan, leading to a 35% growth in market share within a year

To improve this bullet point, I decided to use a stronger action verb, 'Spearheaded', which indicates a leadership role. I also included specific metrics to quantify the candidate's accomplishment and its impact on the business.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Support.

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use Designed on a resume:

Designed and implemented 50+ E2E tests using Selenium & Protractor, simulating each user group's actions.

How to use Developed on a resume:

Developed go-to-market strategy for ~$100 million B2B market segment; led cross-functional team of 15+ internal stakeholders to prepare new product offering.

How to use Promoted on a resume:

Promoted within 12 months due to strong performance and organizational impact - ahead of schedule by 12 months.

How to use Analyzed on a resume:

Analyzed data from 25000 monthly active users and used outputs to guide marketing and product strategies; increased average app engagement time by 2x, decrease drop off rate by 30%, and increased shares on social media by 3x over 6 months.

How to use Doubled on a resume:

Doubled new user acquisition from 10-15 users to 20-25 through the implementation of new marketing strategies focused on online advertising and improving the company's web presence, social media, and search engine optimization..

How to use Prepared on a resume:

Prepared a 100 page pitch book summarizing findings and presented analysis to managing directors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for Support on a resume?

If you're looking for another word to use in place of Support, consider using one of these stronger alternatives:

  • Promoted
  • Advanced
  • Suggested
  • Championed
  • Furthered
  • Educated

What is a better word for Support on a resume?

If you're looking for another word to use in place of Support, consider using one of these stronger alternatives:

  • Championed
  • Fielded
  • Advised
  • Reinforced
  • Bolstered
  • Boosted

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

As a next step, I'd recommend going through each of your resume's verbs and improving each one with stronger action verbs. The most effective way to do that is by uploading your resume to tool below. It'll tell you which parts of your resume need work, so you can improve them before a recruiter rejects you for them.

Related resume examples

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