Resume Synonyms for Made

Want another word for Made to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, "Made".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

The verb 'made' is used in resumes to show the recruiter that you have a creative mind and the ability to bring ideas to fruition. It indicates that you were the creator of something rather than simply participating in an activity.

This is a great verb to use if you've ever managed or led a team because it shows your ability to find solutions and get people working together towards a common goal. However, this verb is not the best choice if you're trying to emphasize your skills and accomplishments—instead of showing the recruiter how much work you did on a project, it simply states that something was done in the past.

To fix this problem, you should use synonyms in place of the generic verb 'made.' It can be replaced with more specific verbs such as 'created,' 'established,' or 'instituted.' For example, instead of saying that you 'made' a new algorithm, say that you 'created' a new algorithm. This way, your resume will be more descriptive of your work experience.

Using power verbs is essential because the stronger the verb, the more specific your accomplishments will appear. If you use generic verbs, your resume will seem vague and unimpressive.

I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Made on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Made:

  • Created
  • Invented
  • Fabricated
  • Manufactured
  • Assembled
  • Built
  • Constructed
  • Erected
  • Crafted
  • Molded
  • Shaped
  • Originated
  • Established
  • Instituted
  • Conceived
  • Gained
  • Catalyzed
  • Perpetrated
  • Executed
  • Fulfilled

How to replace Made with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Made, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

Before: Weak example using Made

Made a new knowledge base for employees so they can find information

After: Using a stronger synonymCreated knowledge base of 80 internal resources, improving employee onboarding and reducing time spent per project on administrative tasks by 40%.

Replacing Made with Formulated

Before: Made

Made a plan for team collaboration

After: FormulatedFormulated a comprehensive communication plan that increased team collaboration by 30%, leading to higher project completion rates

As a hiring manager, I replaced the vague 'Made' with 'Formulated' to denote thoughtfulness and intent. I also quantified the impact by including an increased collaboration metric. This change demonstrates the direct impact of your action.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Made.

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use Created on a resume:

Created and maintained models for M&A plans, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, Product SVA Analysis, Credit Risk Assessment Models, and Common Stock Liquidity Comparisons.

How to use Analyzed on a resume:

Analyzed 1500+ responses to a consumer survey to evaluate brand perception and customers' willingness to pay.

How to use Performed on a resume:

Performed financial analysis to evaluate public and private financing alternatives to strengthen client's balance sheet.

How to use Implemented on a resume:

Implemented crash reporter and used findings to fix three biggest causes of crashes; fixes reduced customer support calls by 30%.

How to use Led on a resume:

Led multi-disciplinary 7 person team to design, develop, and launch online e-commerce store; prioritized and resolved 45+ new features and bug fixes.

How to use Designed, on a resume:

Designed, executed, and optimized digital marketing campaign on Google's AdWords for $20B CPG company, yielding 20% ROI improvements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for Made on a resume?

Below are some alternative words and synonyms to add to your resume instead of Made:

  • Gained
  • Shaped
  • Fulfilled
  • Manufactured
  • Conceived
  • Originated

What can I say instead of Made on a resume?

Here are some synonyms for commonly repeated words, like Made, I see on resumes:

  • Manufactured
  • Molded
  • Instituted
  • Fulfilled
  • Shaped
  • Established

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