Security Analyst Resume Guide

3 Security Analyst Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2025

Cybersecurity has become more and more relevant over the last decade due to the constant risk of cyber attacks. That’s why the role of a security analyst is so relevant nowadays in any organization. Companies can have millionaire losses caused by data breaches or any other type of cybercrime. If you have a background in computer science or information technology this might be your career path. Learn how you can craft your security analyst resume with our guide. We have included insightful tips and customizable templates.

See Security Analyst Resume Examples 
Hiring Manager for Security Analyst Roles
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

Security analysts protect computer networks by implementing security protocols to prevent data breaches or cyber-attacks. They evaluate the security measures in computer networks by performing assessments such as penetration testing or vulnerability tests. This allows them to determine potential hazards and vulnerabilities in the system.

If they’ve determined those vulnerabilities, they will strengthen the security of the system. A security analyst must usually have a background in information technology or computer science. Ideally, they should have a bachelor’s degree in any of these fields. …

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