Electronic Technician Resume Guide

3 Electronic Technician Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2025

Everybody has an array of electronics that they use daily. And when there is an issue with our electronic devices, electronic technicians are the people we call. This is a steadily growing career with ever-increasing opportunities. This guide will outline 3 electronic technician positions, detail what recruiters are looking for in each, and show you some sample resumes to get you started on creating your own successful resume.

See Electronic Technician Resume Examples 
Hiring Manager for Electronic Technician Roles
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

As technology advances, more and more electronic devices and equipment are being created. It can be hard to manage all these devices, and it can be increasingly difficult to fix any errors that may occur on your own. Electronic technicians help us to install electronic equipment and to maintain and repair equipment/devices when necessary. This is a very male-dominated profession with men making up 91.4% of electronic technicians and is a decent-paying job with an average annual salary of around $46k.

To thrive in this position, you must have a very strong electronics background, with a degree in electronics, computer science, or a related field. Your…

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