Engineering Action Verbs and Power Verbs To Use On Your Resume

We've compiled the best action verbs you can use to showcase your Engineering experience.

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

Engineering and technical jobs are highly specialized. If you’re seeking one of these positions, you are best off using specific industry-related vocabulary to describe your skills and underscore your level of experience.

Action Verbs To Show Your Engineering Experience:

  • Devised
  • Coded
  • Predicted
  • Arbitrated
  • Deployed
  • Restructured
  • Tested
  • Diagnosed
  • Estimated
  • Unified
  • Strengthened
  • Conceptualized
  • Calculated
  • Troubleshooted
  • Computed
  • Segmented
  • Installed
  • Standardized
  • Assembled
  • Automated
  • Customized
  • Extrapolated
  • Steered
  • Architected
  • Engineered
  • Overhauled
  • Discovered
  • Validated
  • Manufactured
  • Debugged
  • Visualized

We've compiled a lot more action verbs by job titles below.

Engineering Action Verbs By Job

Choose the job title that's most relevant to you to get targeted action verbs.

  • How to use action verbs
  • Verbs for Engineering Manager Resumes
        (e.g. Coded, Debugged, Discovered, Segmented & more)
  • Verbs for Software Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Coded, Overhauled, Redesigned, Troubleshooted & more)
  • Verbs for Manufacturing Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Performed, Analyzed, Improved, Improvised & more)
  • Verbs for Industrial Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Restructured, Tested, Assessed, Designed & more)
  • Verbs for Quality Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Implemented, Performed, Conducted, Promoted & more)
  • Verbs for Electrical Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Designed, Engineered, Produced, Tested & more)
  • Verbs for Civil Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Developed, Created, Analyzed, Surveyed & more)
  • Verbs for Network Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Conceptualized, Formulated, Installed, Streamlined & more)
  • Verbs for Platform Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Developed, Discovered, Restructured, & more)
  • Verbs for Automation Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Designed, Conducted, Overhauled, Implemented & more)
  • Verbs for Mechanical Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Conceptualized, Devised, Modeled, Redesigned & more)
  • Verbs for Project Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Budgeted, Examined, Interpreted, Scheduled & more)
  • Verbs for System Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Engineered, Customized, Deployed, Executed & more)
  • Verbs for IT Specialist Resumes
        (e.g. Designed, Trained, Introduced, Managed & more)
  • Verbs for Packaging Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Engineered, Tested, Developed, Analyzed & more)
  • Verbs for Oracle Resumes
        (e.g. Engineered, Debugged, Tested, Deployed & more)
  • Verbs for Planning Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Calculated, Analyzed, Prioritized, Managed & more)
  • Verbs for Audio Engineer Resumes
        (e.g. Drafted, Recorded, Designed, Collaborated & more)
  • Get a free resume review
  • Sample resume examples

  • How To Use Action Verbs On Your Resume

    To show you how to use these action verbs in your resume, see this infographic for reference. You'll note that each bullet point uses strong action verbs, with a specific description of the task that was accomplished.

    Action Verbs For Engineering Manager Roles

    As an engineering manager, you should include action verbs in the bullet points of your work experience section. The stated examples you see are just a few, there are many others that are relevant to engineering managers. 

    Note: it is not advisable to repeat an action verb twice for the same work experience. It’s better to use a variety to avoid being monotonous.

    • Steered
    • Standardized
    • Coded
    • Debugged
    • and Deployed.
    • rTroubleshot
    • Diagnosed
    • Segmented
    • Discovered
    • Computed
    • Automated
    • Installed
    • Assembled
    • Supervised
    • Tested
    • Visualized

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Developed 16 labs for RW’s Route21.Net initiative, collaborated with 2K developers to migrate their code from Resume 32-bit to Resume 64-bit earning 15K 4-star reviews on the App store..

    Managed a 5-member technical support team that responded promptly to complaints from over 2K customers, successfully maintaining a 90% customer satisfaction rating. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Engineering Manager Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Software Engineer Roles

    The use of weak action verbs will hurt the overall strength of your resume. You don’t want to use generic verbs. You want to use ones that are complementary to the software skills you’ve used.

    Try not to overuse one action verb; variety helps keep your resume unique.

    If you’re not sure which action verbs to use, here’s a list of action verbs that are useful for software engineers.

    • Conceptualized
    • Overhauled
    • Installed
    • Segmented
    • Predicted
    • Architected
    • Automated
    • Engineered
    • Debugged
    • Segmented
    • Redesigned
    • Troubleshooted
    • Coded
    • Unified
    • Restructured
    • Deployed
    • Sped up

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Designed 4 steel moment frames based on FEMA, using SAP2000 for modelling and designing purposes..

    Drafted and evaluated responses to 300 hundred technical RFIs, RFPs, and RFQs improving RW’s bidding process by 15% in 7 months..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Software Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Manufacturing Engineer Roles

    Once you've selected a basic template to work with based on your experiences and the position you're applying for, think about past employers where you performed responsibilities that are most relevant to being a manufacturing engineer. Use the skills list above to outline those responsibilities, and then select a strong action verb to pair with it. The action verb should lead the bullet point to provide an impactful impression to the hiring manager.

    • Streamlined
    • Managed
    • Performed
    • Analyzed
    • Promoted
    • Established
    • Supervised
    • Improvised
    • Improved
    • Designed
    • Manufactured
    • Introduced
    • Collaborated
    • Conducted
    • Contributed
    • Developed

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Designed and implemented a process to monitor the status of 27 robotic equipment, successfully reducing impromptu downtime by 72% in 3 years. .

    Designed over 100 floor plans for small and remote highway rest areas to large waste water treatment plans with 100% accuracy..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Manufacturing Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Industrial Engineer Roles

    The best way to impress your potential employer is by mentioning your accomplishments and responsibilities in your resume. You can add bullet points which each one and include strong action verbs at the beginning of the phrase. These words will help you describe concisely your achievements. 

    The best action verbs for your resume would be those focused on engineering, problem-solving, and research. You’ll be amazed at how these chosen words can help you improve readability and demonstrate your expertise. Based on our research, these are potentially the best action verbs to use on your industrial engineer resume. 

    • Analyzed
    • Diagnosed
    • Restructured
    • Tested
    • Organized
    • Automated
    • Examined
    • Designed
    • Assessed
    • Calculated
    • Identified
    • Inspected
    • Estimated
    • Engineered
    • Predicted
    • Interpreted

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Championed the implementation of 5 new data centers and server infrastructures for 10 international companies with over 120K employees, achieved a 95% uptime for 2 years. .

    Tested and implemented an automated system for measuring torque in real-time using C#, .NET Framework, and LabVIEW, which reduced testing time by 63%..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Industrial Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Quality Engineer Roles

    Quality Engineers need to have experience testing and automating processes, developing procedures, and creating solutions to problems. You can emphasize these skills using your action verbs -examples: use Led and Managed to show your leadership skills.

    As you list your bullet points, remember to begin with an action verb. By doing this you are emphasizing what you’ve been able to achieve in other roles. Employers are looking for Quality Assurance Engineers that have proven results so use your action verbs to support this in your resume.

    • Assessed
    • Streamlined
    • Implemented
    • Performed
    • Produced
    • Created
    • Mentored
    • Promoted
    • Conducted
    • Improved
    • Identified
    • Automated
    • Managed
    • Developed
    • Led
    • Prepared

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Worked with 3 senior electrical engineers to design PV systems that converted sunlight into electricity, reduced electricity costs by 45%..

    Designed custom software applications using C++/Java which automated 10 manual processes and improved efficiency by 90%. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Quality Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Electrical Engineer Roles

    When you’re detailing your work history on your resume, you should always include clear and specific bullet points with examples of what you accomplished at past jobs. For maximum effect, those bullet points should always begin with clear and specific action verbs. You’d be surprised what a difference a handful of carefully-chosen words on your resume can make!

    The best action verbs for electrical engineers reflect the mix of communication, problem-solving, technical, and creative skills needed for their jobs. Some of these verbs could include the ones on the left.

    • Troubleshooted
    • Devised
    • Tested
    • Streamlined
    • Trained
    • Diagnosed
    • Produced
    • Taught
    • Directed
    • Led
    • Designed
    • Developed
    • Managed
    • Engineered
    • Automated

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Initiated a motion control algorithm based on PID Control Theory in NI LabVIEW to control robotic arms used for assembly tasks leading to improved accuracy over manual operation by >75%. .

    Completed the second phase of a 4-phase, 6-year, $1B housing development project within 6 months ahead of schedule as the project engineer in charge. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Electrical Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Civil Engineer Roles

    Structuring your bullet points doesn’t need to be complicated. There’s actually a pretty simple formula — start with a strong action verb, mention your accomplishment, then follow it up with any applicable metrics.

    Why start with an action verb? Action verbs frame your accomplishments in a positive, proactive light. They also help you focus on what matters, which is what you actually achieved, and not simply what duties you were assigned.

    You should choose your action verbs according to the type of skill or accomplishment you’re trying to highlight. If a job description mentions creativity a lot, start your bullet points with verbs like Designed and Created. Reviewed and Analyzed show attention to detail, while Implemented and Delivered show you taking a leading role. To highlight civil engineering skill sets, use action verbs like "Conceptualized", "Implemented", "Estimated" or "Designed" which showcase your technical experience.

    • Implemented
    • Troubleshooted
    • Developed
    • Created
    • Awarded
    • Delivered
    • Liaised
    • Surveyed
    • Analyzed
    • Conceptualized
    • Directed
    • Led
    • Installed
    • Designed
    • Engineered
    • Reviewed

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Ensured all projects were 100% compliant with the specifications; discovered 4 design flaws in ongoing projects, preventing catastrophic failures. .

    Consulted, and assisted in handling 5+ municipal projects including designing schools and community centers for disabled children..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Civil Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Network Engineer Roles

    When detailing your accomplishments at past jobs, you should always introduce those accomplishments with vivid action verbs. Choose the best, most precise word to describe what you achieved and how you did it -- you’ll convey a strong message to hiring managers, and you’ll save valuable space on your resume by eliminating fluffy, insubstantial language.

    If you’re an aspiring network engineer, choose verbs that highlight your communication, problem-solving, and technical skills. Here is a list of verbs that could be helpful as you write your resume.

    • Troubleshooted
    • Debugged
    • Streamlined
    • Recommended
    • Tested
    • Designed
    • Installed
    • Resolved
    • Developed
    • Identified
    • Conceptualized
    • Conducted
    • Improved
    • Formulated
    • Collaborated

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Ensured robust design, compliant manufacturing procedures with regulatory requirements and smooth transition from prototype to production, successfully handling 20+ client projects and leading to $525K in sales in 2018-2019..

    Developed a system in Excel for 25 sales engineers to filter irrelevant quoting data which helps to find the largest potential sales opportunities, boosting revenue by 12% up in 1 year. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Network Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Platform Engineer Roles

    Your bullet points on a platform engineering resume should display how you used your technical skills to positively impact the workflow in your company or how you helped create a new system that improved workflow or saved valuable time.  


    Here is a list of action verbs that are both technical and proactive. They can be used to highlight the progress you have done in your past experiences that can help you land the next job. Make sure not to repeat the same word twice on your resume. 

    • Validated
    • Installed
    • Developed
    • Tested
    • Restructured
    • Debugged
    • Troubleshooted
    • Diagnosed
    • Automated
    • Computed
    • Discovered
    • Coded

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Led the civil design team on 10+ industrial projects including a groundwater remediation project for the city. .

    Successfully improved equipment reliability by over 40% by strategically implementing a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to schedule and execute preventive and predictive maintenance activities. Achieved a 50% reduction in maintenance cost..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Platform Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Automation Engineer Roles

    Strong action verbs help recruiters understand your role in specific tasks. An automation engineer’s resume should use action verbs that are relevant to their tasks. Action verbs like "Automated", "Designed" or “Tested" are examples of strong action verbs for this profession.

    • Tested
    • Digitized
    • Designed
    • Conducted
    • Computerized
    • Automated
    • Developed
    • Implemented
    • Overhauled
    • Created
    • Tracked
    • Initiated
    • Repaired
    • Built
    • Performed
    • Analyzed

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Trained over 90 engineers and CAD designers as part of Company’s Engineering Development Program. .

    Managed a process re-engineering project to improve and consolidate end-to-end service processes; restructured communication flow among 10 departments, and cut down paperwork by 75%. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Automation Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Mechanical Engineer Roles

    Use your resume’s work history section to show recruiters that you have the skills and experience to succeed in your desired position. Create concise bullet points listing key accomplishments from each job you’ve had, and be sure to lead each bullet point with a bold action verb that describes exactly what you achieved and how.

    Mechanical engineers should opt for a blend of verbs that highlight their problem-solving, analytical, creative, and technical abilities. On the left are just a handful of possibilities.

    • Visualized
    • Customized
    • Redesigned
    • Produced
    • Tested
    • Designed
    • Modeled
    • Recommended
    • Developed
    • Improved
    • Conceptualized
    • Created
    • Innovated
    • Devised
    • Analyzed

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Resolved 90% of Level 2 technical support tickets without the need to escalate to Level 3 technical support engineers.

    Automated manual test cases using Selenium WebDriver and Python to improve the efficiency of testing by 92%..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Mechanical Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Project Engineer Roles

    The purpose of using action verbs is to help your future employer get a better idea of your responsibilities in previous roles. They can add value to your resume and improve readability. However, you must use them wisely. You should stick to those that are highly related to the project engineering position, such as the ones we mention below.

    • Troubleshooted
    • Delegated
    • Scheduled
    • Planned
    • Supervised
    • Engineered
    • Interpreted
    • Prioritized
    • Established
    • Forecasted
    • Budgeted
    • Controlled
    • Installed
    • Examined
    • Architected

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Introduced and implemented design optimizations to existing RW systems, slashing costs by 85%. .

    Partnered with subcontractor assembly house to increase production yield by 30% and implement corrective action for production failure root causes..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Project Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For System Engineer Roles

    Action verbs make you accountable for the tasks you performed in previous jobs. If you use the right action verbs in your resume, you’ll look more reliable and efficient. In addition to this, action verbs also improve readability. You are more precise when you use them, which makes your entire resume easier to understand.

    • Co-ordinated
    • Calculated
    • Engineered
    • Customized
    • Organized
    • Tested
    • Prioritized
    • Executed
    • Deployed
    • Installed
    • Automated
    • Produced
    • Estimated
    • Conceptualized
    • Coded
    • Evaluated

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Managed a team of 19 engineers that delivered projects 3 days ahead of schedule and within a lean $100K budget while maintaining the highest quality standards in the industry..

    Designed and developed a modular vertical (PDU), which allowed for a 3-day turnaround from the time customers placed the order. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full System Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For IT Specialist Roles

    The I.T. specialist position is an interesting blend of I.T. functions and customer service/support functions. The action verbs used, should reflect this blend. There should be technical action verbs used, like ‘designed’ and ‘installed’, as well as support action verbs, like ‘supported’ and ‘served’. 

    Here is a list of action verbs you can use to create a balanced resume.

    • Maintained
    • Refurbished
    • Designed
    • Trained
    • Organised
    • Supported
    • Engaged
    • Managed
    • Introduced
    • Set-up
    • Served
    • Reviewed
    • Tested
    • Installed
    • Procured
    • Implemented

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Volunteered in designing and handling project management aspects of a local playground design, with $60,000 budget..

    Identified and resolved network conflicts resulting in a 250% increase in network communication speeds across 15 departments of RW. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full IT Specialist Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Packaging Engineer Roles

    Technical writing is one of the packaging engineers’ main skills. You must convert highly technical concepts into digestible information that every team member can understand regardless of their field. Now, you should use the same technique for your resume. 

    This is a highly technical profession, but it doesn’t mean you can clearly describe your responsibilities in previous roles. Action verbs can help you do that by providing descriptive and precise words. Instead of using vague phrases, try using words like “designed”, “develop”, or “researched”. This is more explanatory than saying “I was responsible for”. We included some strong action verbs below that you can use in your packaging engineering resume.

    • Illustrated
    • Customized
    • Engineered
    • Tested
    • Researched
    • Designed
    • Classified
    • Analyzed
    • Developed
    • Calculated
    • Redesigned
    • Evaluated
    • Visualized
    • Computed
    • Estimated
    • Created

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Decreased the cycle times for casting by developing custom programs in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) within Microsoft Excel to automate repetitive calculations saving RW $320K per quarter..

    Created electronics circuits for over 10 top-selling products which translated into $2.5M in sales. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Packaging Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Oracle Roles

    Oracle careers are highly technical, so it can be challenging to explain your role in previous jobs. In an attempt to simplify your message, you may include general or too vague phrases. This will only make recruiters ignore your resume. You should go the opposite way, without being extremely complex. 

    You can enhance your resume by using bullet points with accurate action verbs such as “developed”, “organized”, “troubleshooted”, etc. This will help you be more precise and write a streamlined resume that is both descriptive and easy to understand.

    • Tested
    • Restructured
    • Engineered
    • Debugged
    • Transformed
    • Customized
    • Upgraded
    • Deployed
    • Tested
    • Computed
    • Diagnosed
    • Strengthened
    • Calculated
    • Coded
    • Installed
    • Troubleshooted

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Led over 12 software sales pilots generating $8MM+ total revenue in license and consulting service fees; clients included Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, and Credit Suisse..

    Managed $95M in public works projects including 2 street underpasses, 10 sewerage treatment plants, 4 water purification systems, 60 lighting systems, and 9 electrical distribution networks with 52 sub-stations. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Oracle Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Planning Engineer Roles

    As a planning engineer, you are the bridge between the engineering team and stakeholders, so you must have excellent communication skills to translate complex requirements. Communication plays a huge role in the engineering team, so it is crucial to demonstrate this in your resume. The best way to do it is by developing a clear structure. 

    If you want to streamline your resume and look more reliable, you should use bullet points with strong action verbs to describe your previous roles. You will be more precise and accurately explain your responsibilities.

    • Supervised
    • Planned
    • Calculated
    • Analyzed
    • Assigned
    • Directed
    • Guided
    • Managed
    • Prioritized
    • Estimated
    • Organized
    • Contracted
    • Delegated
    • Engineered
    • Administered
    • Scheduled

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Identified and resolved 6 incompatibility issues overlooked by the QA team before the product hit the market. .

    Built 5 robots capable of performing tasks in nuclear power plants and other hazardous environments, preventing human casualties due to radiation exposure by 98%..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Planning Engineer Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Audio Engineer Roles

    Action verbs help us understand the functions of your job, the successes you have had, and the tasks you have completed. Strong action verbs can elevate your resume and help you stand out from the crowd. For an audio engineer, your action verbs should highlight experience in all the stages of audio engineering as well as highlight your experience working with multiple teams.

    We have compiled some useful action verbs for you to use.

    • Delivered
    • Enhanced
    • Drafted
    • Recorded
    • Coordinated
    • Invented
    • Engineered
    • Collaborated
    • Designed
    • Created
    • Developed
    • Completed
    • Prepared
    • Collaborated
    • Managed
    • Edited

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Employed knowledge of IEC 61010, IPC 600, and IPC 2221 to redesign the control circuitry, increasing efficiency by 20%..

    Installed 250+ poka yoke at the assembly lines, ensuring improvement in RPN from 180 to 70. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Audio Engineer Resume Guide.

    Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

    I'd recommend uploading your resume below to get a free resume review. You'll get a detailed analysis of your resume's action verbs and your experience, with instant suggestions on how to improve them based on recruiter insights.

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