Teaching Action Verbs and Power Verbs To Use On Your Resume

We've compiled the best action verbs you can use to showcase your Teaching experience.

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

Action verbs help shape your capabilities and achievements powerfully and effectively. For a teacher, you will want to use action verbs to show that you can perform the variety of tasks expected of a teacher, from planning to teaching, to mentoring. Here is a list of action verbs that are particularly useful to use in a teacher’s resume. Use them to elevate yours.

Action Verbs To Show Your Teaching Experience:

  • Supervised
  • Promoted
  • Guided
  • Organized
  • Developed
  • Mentored
  • Coached
  • Taught
  • Partnered
  • Championed
  • Introduced
  • Planned
  • Created
  • Improved
  • Aided
  • Spearheaded

For more resume advice from recruiters in this field, read the complete Teaching Resume Guide.

We've compiled a lot more action verbs by job titles below.

Teaching Action Verbs By Job

Choose the job title that's most relevant to you to get targeted action verbs.

  • How to use action verbs
  • Verbs for Training and Development Resumes
        (e.g. Formulated, Facilitated, Executed, Sharpened & more)
  • Verbs for Learning and Development Resumes
        (e.g. Researched, Achieved, Lead, & more)
  • Get a free resume review
  • Sample resume examples

  • How To Use Action Verbs On Your Resume

    To show you how to use these action verbs in your resume, see this infographic for reference. You'll note that each bullet point uses strong action verbs, with a specific description of the task that was accomplished.

    Action Verbs For Training and Development Roles

    The action verbs used in a training and development professional’s guide should highlight the professional’s experience in all steps of the training cycle. They should indicate their experience assessing, developing training guides, training, and doing all the necessary paperwork.

    The right action verbs make your successes and experience stand out and help showcase your most relevant skills in a few words.

    • Assessed
    • Facilitated
    • Delivered
    • Led
    • Conducted
    • Formulated
    • Sharpened
    • Developed
    • Directed
    • Implemented
    • Improved
    • Constructed
    • Trained
    • Communicated
    • Executed
    • Supervised

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Increased customer satisfaction by 40% through leading skills development efforts for infrastructure support staff in areas of project management, eProject, and program management; successfully solving complex technical issues and improving internal operational efficiencies..

    Conducted 3 group educational sessions weekly on healthy lifestyle, effects of nutrition on mood, relaxation techniques, and medication management to facilitate awareness and compliance to behavioral therapy/management.

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Training and Development Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Learning and Development Roles

    Having strong action verbs can modify your resume into a grander appearance. L&D requires you to train individuals to do their tasks with more proficiency and since it is training-focused, words such as “trained” and “taught” can be quite useful to hint at your abilities.

    Here’s a list of action words to subtly place in your resume:

    • Developed
    • Analyzed
    • Lead
    • Designed
    • Succeeded
    • Trained
    • Researched
    • Achieved
    • Learned
    • Implemented
    • Performed
    • Tailored

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Trained 20+ American government officials in public administration, budgeting, and service delivery, as well as assisting them in developing efforts to boost public trust. .

    Supervised a team of 18 inside sales representatives to achieve the highest revenue growth in RW’s history and successfully transformed their outside call center model to a 100% in-house remote workforce. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Learning and Development Resume Guide.

    Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

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