Customer Service Action Verbs and Power Verbs To Use On Your Resume

We've compiled the best action verbs you can use to showcase your Customer Service experience.

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

Your customer service resume should emphasize the impact of your accomplishments and contributions with strong action verbs.

In customer service roles, your communication and organizational skills are key, so it's a good idea to use action verbs that emphasize them - words like "Influenced", "Convinced", or "Organized" are excellent action verbs you can use.

Action Verbs To Show Your Customer Service Experience:

  • Interviewed
  • Reconciled
  • Arranged
  • Improved
  • Promoted
  • Transformed
  • Proposed
  • Increased
  • Eliminated
  • Communicated
  • Translated
  • Mediated
  • Trained
  • Initiated
  • Influenced

For more resume advice from recruiters in this field, read the complete Customer Service Resume Guide.

We've compiled a lot more action verbs by job titles below.

Customer Service Action Verbs By Job

Choose the job title that's most relevant to you to get targeted action verbs.

  • How to use action verbs
  • Verbs for Customer Success Resumes
        (e.g. Controlled, Organized, Planned, Oversaw & more)
  • Verbs for Virtual Assistant Resumes
        (e.g. Emailed, Converted, Coordinated, Arranged & more)
  • Verbs for Administrative Assistant Resumes
        (e.g. Established, Organized, Tested, Collected & more)
  • Verbs for Executive Assistant Resumes
        (e.g. Increased, Screened, Monitored, Implemented & more)
  • Verbs for Service Desk Resumes
        (e.g. Processed, Co-ordinated, Analyzed, Interpreted & more)
  • Verbs for Help Desk Resumes
        (e.g. Resolved, Analyzed, Interpreted, Inspected & more)
  • Get a free resume review
  • Sample resume examples

  • How To Use Action Verbs On Your Resume

    To show you how to use these action verbs in your resume, see this infographic for reference. You'll note that each bullet point uses strong action verbs, with a specific description of the task that was accomplished.

    Action Verbs For Customer Success Roles

    To increase your resume's success rate, use success-related verbs to propel your sentences forward and communicate your experience and skills. Replace tired and overused action verbs with fresh and energetic verbs to grab the attention of hiring managers and recruiters well beyond the 6-7 seconds they take skimming through resumes.

    Similarly, use industry-specific verbs to demonstrate you have relevant experience and are capable. Don't reuse verbs – try to use different ones to highlight your technical skills and experiences.

    Begin each bullet point and achievement in your Customer Success resume with these action verbs.

    • Oversaw
    • Launched.
    • Formalized
    • Orchestrated
    • Controlled
    • Produced
    • Planned
    • Headed
    • Coordinated
    • Chaired
    • Organized
    • Operated
    • Designed
    • Executed
    • Organized
    • Programmed

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Improved the application upgrade rates by 57% through successful marketing of product upgrades to existing customers..

    Collaborated with third-party carriers to process 1.1K insurance claims fast and efficiently, which saved RW 76% per claim..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Customer Success Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Virtual Assistant Roles

    Strong action verbs tell a recruiter your role in a specific task. Virtual assistant resumes should use action verbs that are relevant to virtual assistant tasks. Action verbs like "Coordinated", "Organised" or “Contacted" are examples of strong action verbs that can be used by a virtual assistant.

    • Arranged
    • Presented
    • Maintained
    • Created
    • Emailed
    • Assisted
    • Coordinated
    • Informed
    • Contacted
    • Organised
    • Converted
    • Helped
    • Transcribed
    • Responded
    • Established
    • Prepared

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Outperformed the company's annual objectives with a client renewal rate above 87% for over 760 accounts..

    Managed 15K customer accounts and supervised a rotating portfolio of new 2.5K clients to ensure successful onboarding to a software upgrade..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Virtual Assistant Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Administrative Assistant Roles

    Each bullet point in your work history section should begin with an action verb. These action verbs are strong ways to showcase your experience and achievements by showing, rather than telling. Examples of great action verbs for an administrative assistant are “negotiated,” “supervised,” “calculated,” “established,” and more to speak to your accomplishments in the role. These words imply the ability to effectively communicate with vendors, leadership and management of other team members, proficiency in numbers, and creating something new.

    Descriptors such as “responsible for,” “helped,” “assisted with,” and “handled” imply that you did the responsibilities of the job, but leave the recruiter wanting to know what you specifically achieved in your past roles.

    • Collected
    • Revamped
    • Improved
    • Reviewed
    • Established
    • Assessed
    • Tested
    • Systemized
    • Supervised
    • Negotiated
    • Organized
    • Surveyed
    • Simplified
    • Calculated
    • Extracted
    • Interviewed

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Managed a team of four to redesign global customer onboarding and sales process for an insurance client, leading to synchronized on-boarding and a 15% increase in cross-selling opportunities across divisions .

    Led Key Cross functional meetings discussing goals and future growth for customer accounts, providing key inputs, 6 of which were implemented by the senior management..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Administrative Assistant Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Executive Assistant Roles

    Executive assistants are masters of reading between the lines and understanding the unspoken needs of their executive. They must be versatile and quick to anticipate potential problems, and smoothly juggle the often chaotic schedule of high-level individuals.

    When writing your resume, it’s important to emphasize these types of skills with strong action verbs. For example, use words like “oversaw”, “organized”, or “planned” to highlight your ability to smoothly and efficiently handle a variety of tasks.

    It can be helpful to review the job description and see what types of action verbs they use. However, don’t copy every single one-- try to be creative and find words with similar meanings to tailor your resume to the job.

    • Catalogued
    • Processed
    • Systematized
    • Revamped
    • Generated
    • Classified
    • Purchased
    • Monitored
    • Recorded
    • Simplified
    • Ordered
    • Increased
    • Screened
    • Implemented

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Implemented strategies to decrease rates of returns and frauds, resulting in 75k in cost savings..

    Promptly handled an average of 80 customer support calls and addressed concerns about facilities, product mishaps, offers, and billing per day with a 95% customer satisfaction rate..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Executive Assistant Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Service Desk Roles

    Communication is key when it comes to a service desk analyst role. You understand all the technical aspects of troubleshooting but remember you’ll be talking to non-tech users in most cases. That’s why it is important to be descriptive and precise at the same time. You need to reflect this in your resume. 

    You can simplify the information in your resume by using bullet points that start with strong action verbs. These are descriptive words that hold you accountable for your responsibilities in previous jobs. If you need help choosing the right ones, take a look below. We have compiled some of the best action verbs for your service desk resume.

    • Interpreted
    • Diagnosed
    • Troubleshooted
    • Streamlined
    • Processed
    • Traced
    • Analyzed
    • Solved
    • Reduced
    • Improved
    • Co-ordinated
    • Revised
    • Verified
    • Resolved
    • Tested
    • Identified

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Created knowledge base of 80 internal resources, improving employee onboarding and reducing time spent per project on administrative tasks by 40%. Received an average 90% satisfaction rating, 10% higher than the company average..

    Handled cash and credit transactions of $50K per shift thrice a day for 17 weeks consecutively, commended by management for hard work. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Service Desk Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Help Desk Roles

    Help desk analysts must possess excellent communication skills and be extremely reliable. To demonstrate this in your resume, it is important to use the right language. You can streamline your resume by adding bullet points to your work history and describing your experience and achievements. 

    These bullet points should start with strong action verbs that accurately describe your experience. Action verbs provide trustworthiness and improve readability, so this is an excellent way to impress your potential employer.

    • Inspected
    • Strengthened
    • Improved
    • Identified
    • Resolved
    • Troubleshooted
    • Interpreted
    • Tested
    • Revised
    • Diagnosed
    • Analyzed
    • Streamlined
    • Evaluated
    • Solved
    • Traced
    • Verified

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Created customer satisfaction surveys utilizing MS Project increasing customer retention by 12% and onboarding 3 new customers..

    Spotted common onboarding difficulties and recommended product changes that aim to reduce merchant and Square's onboarding time by 52%. .

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Help Desk Resume Guide.

    Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

    As a next step, I'd recommend going through each of your resume's verbs and improving each one with stronger action verbs. The most effective way to do that is by uploading your resume to tool below. It'll tell you which parts of your resume need work, so you can improve them before a recruiter rejects you for them.

    Related Resume Examples

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