Teamwork Action Verbs and Power Verbs To Use On Your Resume

We've compiled the best action verbs you can use to showcase your Teamwork experience.

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

Recruiters want to know if you can work effectively with others to achieve common goals. Rather than using generic buzzwords like 'team player', they are looking for evidence of where you worked with colleagues, senior management or your direct reports to solve problems.

You can also show teamwork in extra-curricular activities. If you're a part of any sport clubs, university societies or voluntary associations, you can mention them in your resume.

Action Verbs To Show Your Teamwork Experience:

  • Represented
  • Supervised
  • Teamed
  • Volunteered
  • Enabled
  • Liaised
  • Managed
  • Explained
  • Trained
  • Proposed
  • Guided
  • Moderated
  • Facilitated
  • Planned
  • United
  • Led
  • Partnered
  • Mentored
  • Collaborated
  • Motivated
  • Coordinated
  • Coached
  • Conducted
  • Influenced

We've compiled a lot more action verbs by job titles below.

Teamwork Action Verbs By Job

Choose the job title that's most relevant to you to get targeted action verbs.

  • How to use action verbs
  • Verbs for Project Coordinator Resumes
        (e.g. Communicated, Guided, Led, Reduced & more)
  • Verbs for Chief of Staff Resumes
        (e.g. Led, Managed, Reviewed, Developed & more)
  • Verbs for Project Manager Resumes
        (e.g. Facilitated, Overcame, Improved, & more)
  • Verbs for Event Coordinator Resumes
        (e.g. Launched, Directed, Guided, Managed & more)
  • Verbs for Administrative Coordinator Resumes
        (e.g. Communicated, Identified, Prepared, Generated & more)
  • Verbs for Sales Coordinator Resumes
        (e.g. Doubled, Communicated, Led, Motivated & more)
  • Get a free resume review
  • Sample resume examples

  • How To Use Action Verbs On Your Resume

    To show you how to use these action verbs in your resume, see this infographic for reference. You'll note that each bullet point uses strong action verbs, with a specific description of the task that was accomplished.

    Action Verbs For Project Coordinator Roles

    On your resume, you should always lead into your past accomplishments with strong, clear action verbs. The best verbs are the ones that most accurately depict what you accomplished and how you went about doing it.

    As an aspiring project coordinator, you should choose specific verbs that speak to the core skills of the job -- namely, your organizational, planning, leadership, and communication skills. Did you execute projects flawlessly in past jobs? Did you facilitate meetings or resolve problems effectively? Choosing strong verbs to talk about your accomplishments can positively influence hiring managers’ professional opinion of you -- and make you more likely to get an interview.

    If you need some inspiration, here is a list of project coordination-related verbs to get you started.

    • Developed
    • Planned
    • Directed
    • Managed
    • Resolved
    • Executed
    • Implemented
    • Scheduled
    • Guided
    • Communicated
    • Increased
    • Reduced
    • Facilitated
    • Coordinated
    • Supervised
    • Led

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Collaborated with 70 insurance companies and succeeded in verifying the eligibility, and benefits of 7K patients then processed authorizations..

    Worked with 3 senior electrical engineers to design PV systems that converted sunlight into electricity, reduced electricity costs by 45%..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Project Coordinator Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Chief of Staff Roles

    A chief of staff position is first and foremost a leadership position. Using action verbs that emphasize your leadership experience is a direct way to indicate your capabilities in this field. 

    This list of action verbs is focused on the managerial and operational tasks of the position as well as the communication tasks that you can expect for a chief of staff. Using the right action verbs is an easy way to spotlight yourself and help showcase your most relevant skills in a few words.

    • Spearheaded
    • Improved
    • Coordinated
    • Strengthened
    • Introduced
    • Executed
    • Implemented
    • Established
    • Managed
    • Led
    • Orchestrated
    • Developed
    • Inspected
    • Directed
    • Supervised
    • Reviewed

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Collaborated with product and marketing teams to redesign the mobile onboarding process, improving retention and user experience by 40%.

    Consulted, and assisted in handling 5+ municipal projects including designing schools and community centers for disabled children..

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Chief of Staff Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Project Manager Roles

    The best project manager resumes discuss specific accomplishments using strong action verbs. Strong verbs convey your role in your achievements; in any resume bullet point, we recommend pairing an action verb with the quantifiable result you achieved to show the impact of what you did.

    Project managers may have a diverse set of skills to draw upon, and there are a huge number of verbs you could choose to describe what you’re good at. We have an entire article devoted to action verbs to use in resumes -- in particular, project managers may want to pursue the ones in the accomplishment-driven, communication, management-related, leadership, and problem-solving sections.

    • Overcame
    • Overhauled
    • Directed
    • Accelerated
    • Spearheaded
    • Validated
    • Increased
    • Facilitated
    • Achieved
    • Moderated
    • Developed
    • Improved

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Designed 7 auditing controls and implemented them through collaboration with 11 department heads, changes generated a savings of $95M in fines. .

    Hired, coached and led sales team of five to make sales calls, make client visits and close deals; generated $10M in sales contracts.

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Project Manager Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Event Coordinator Roles

    Event coordinators are highly organized, calm under pressure, and passionate about throwing a great event. You know how to earn the trust of your clients and you can quickly find creative solutions to unforeseen challenges. You’re a great leader, but you also know how to listen to what your clients need -- sometimes without them even asking!

    It’s important to not only possess these skills, but effectively communicate them through your resume. As you write your event coordinator resume, use powerful action verbs such as “supervised” and “managed” to emphasize your leadership skills.

    Use strong and powerful verbs that can create a clear visual in someone’s mind of a well-organized, effective event coordinator. Try your best not to use generic verbs -- they can actually hurt rather than help your resume.

    • Launched
    • Managed
    • Planned
    • Scheduled
    • Communicated
    • Facilitated
    • Directed
    • Implemented
    • Led
    • Executed
    • Reduced
    • Developed
    • Supervised
    • Coordinated
    • Drove
    • Liaised
    • Resolved
    • Guided

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Collaborated with the sales team and account managers to ensure excellent quality deployment and delivery of security assessments, contributing to an annual average increase of 30% in sales. .

    Coordinated execution of LBO in foodservice sector in South Africa, the PE fund's largest investment; led a team of four analysts; negotiated bank financing and developed hedging strategy.

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Event Coordinator Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Administrative Coordinator Roles

    Administrative coordinators are responsible for multiple tasks around the office, so they are often held accountable for office efficiency in terms of clerical duties. A good way to demonstrate reliability is to use strong action verbs. These words provide a sense of accountability and improve your resume’s readability. 

    You can also use these action verbs for demonstrating your achievements, such as identifying issues in financial records or office documents, improving operations, etc. Check out the following action verbs we’ve selected for an administrative coordinator role based on our research.

    • Co-ordinated
    • Processed
    • Organized
    • Retrieved
    • Implemented
    • Scheduled
    • Systemized
    • Approved
    • Identified
    • Communicated
    • Compiled
    • Generated
    • Classified
    • Arranged
    • Collected
    • Prepared

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Managed the processing of over 250 daily requests from the accounts payable department and reconciled over 80 vendor statements daily..

    Led a 10-week engagement in a four-member team for a solar energy provider; assessed 30+ locations and provided a recommendation for the most suitable location of their new headquarters.

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Administrative Coordinator Resume Guide.

    Action Verbs For Sales Coordinator Roles

    Your sales coordinator's resume should reflect your communication skills and reliability. Why not leverage your work experience to demonstrate that? You can give the right impression on your resume by using strong action verbs. Try streamlining your work history by using bullet points. You can start each point with a strong action verb. 

    Action verbs are precise and hold you accountable for achievements in the sales team, so it’s also a great idea for mentioning your accomplishments. If you need some inspiration to use various action verbs, check the list below.

    • Improved
    • Moderated
    • Overcame
    • Mediated
    • Negotiated
    • Tripled
    • Directed
    • Proposed
    • Communicated
    • Doubled
    • Interpreted
    • Motivated
    • Co-ordinated
    • Increased
    • Trained
    • Led

    Relevant Examples Using Action Verbs

    Led 5-member cross-functional team to develop and implement global advertising strategy for $10 million luxury skincare brand resulting in 15-point increase in brand recall and 15% improvement in net promoter score.

    Formulated implementation plans for transactions in collaboration with senior members of trading, sales, compliance and legal teams; generated annual profits of $10+ million.

    If you'd like a deeper dive into this role, read the full Sales Coordinator Resume Guide.

    Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

    Hiring managers are unnecessarily picky when it comes to resumes, and it's hard to know what they want to see. That's why you should upload your resume to the free resume checker below. It'll check your bullet points and identify any mistakes on your resume that recruiters specifically look out for.

    Related Resume Examples

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