Choose a category to browse Research & Science resumes
We've put together a number of free Research & Science resume templates that you can use. Choose a category depending on your field, or just scroll down to see all templates.
Chemistry Resumes
Want to work in chemistry in 2023? We’ve compiled three resume templates for you that’ll help you land your dream chemistry role, along with other tips and knowledge you’ll need to gain an extra edge against the competition. (Google Docs and PDFs attached).
Chemistry Lab Technician

Chemistry Research Student

Research Assistant Resumes
Becoming a research assistant is an ideal path for those who love to learn new things and challenge themselves intellectually. With a growing demand for capable research assistants, there’s never been a better time to apply. This guide contains everything you need to land the right position, including essential skills and sample resume templates for you to use.
Clinical Research Assistant

Laboratory Research Assistant

Quality Control Resumes
Quality control is a process that companies use for enhancing or maintaining a product’s quality. The role of quality control is crucial because it improves the company’s reputation to make it more trustworthy and protect customers from receiving defective products. This is particularly important when dealing with cosmetics, food, or drugs. There are many types of quality control specialists, and their role is highly dependent on the industry they work in. However, they all have the same purpose: maintaining or improving quality and safety. If you’d like to know more about quality control occupations, read below. We have listed some job descriptions and included resume examples.
Quality Control Manager

Quality Control Inspector

Clinical Research Resumes
Clinical research is an important part of the pharmaceutical industry and helps us understand illnesses and create effective drugs to improve our health. This guide will show clinical researchers how to create winning resumes and progress in their clinical research careers.
Clinical Research Coordinator

Research Coordinator

Environmental Scientist Resumes
Environmental scientists have the rewarding role to minimize hazards in the environment caused by pollution or human intervention. They can work in multiple fields, including universities, industrial companies, and governments. Hence, they enjoy high demand and a positive job outlook. If you have knowledge of environmental science and critical thinking, you might be a good fit for this role. Yet, you may need a high-performing resume to gain visibility. Learn how to craft one with our environmental scientist resume guide.
Entry Level Environmental Science

Health and Safety Resumes
A health and safety officer is responsible for maintaining and promoting safety protocols within the work environment. They train staff members to ensure they follow this code of conduct in order to avoid injuries and hazards. To become a health and safety officer, you usually need a high-school diploma and industry certificate that validates your experience with safety regulations. If this is your case, then read on. We’re about to show you how to craft your health and safety resume.
Environmental Health and Safety Manager

Health and Safety Officer

Action Verbs For Research & Science Resumes
- Processed
- Implemented
- Conducted
- Performed
- Generated
- Analyzed
- Combined
- Organized
- Researched
- Proposed
- Introduced
- Outlined
- Investigated
- Interpreted
- Formulated
- Designed
How to use these action verbs?
Use strong action verbs to describe your accomplishments at your previous companies, internships or classes. For roles involving science, use action verbs which highlight your experience with technical and engineering tasks.
For example, "Implemented" or "Structured" are good action verbs to show technical experience, while "Collaborated" could be a good verb to highlight your teamwork experience.