Game Design Interview Questions

The ultimate Game Design interview guide, curated by real hiring managers: question bank, recruiter insights, and sample answers.

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience
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Technical / Job-Specific

Interview Questions on Game Mechanics

Can you walk us through the process of designing a balanced game economy, ensuring that in-game resources and rewards are distributed fairly?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
This question is designed to assess your understanding of game economy systems and your ability to communicate complex ideas. I want to see if you have a methodical approach to game economy design, paying attention to details like resource distribution, reward frequency, and player progression. This is crucial for creating a fun and engaging experience for players. A poor answer would be one that lacks structure and doesn't address key aspects of game economy design. A good answer should demonstrate a strong understanding of the subject and provide a clear, step-by-step explanation of your design process.

Avoid giving generic answers or just listing off buzzwords. Instead, focus on the specific steps you would take to ensure balance, and don't be afraid to mention any tools or techniques you've used in the past. It's also a good idea to discuss any challenges you've faced when designing game economies and how you overcame them. This shows that you're not only knowledgeable but also adaptable and resourceful in your work.
- Lucy Stratham, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
In my experience, designing a balanced game economy is a crucial aspect of game design, as it directly impacts player engagement and enjoyment. I like to think of it as a three-step process:

1. Identify key resources and currencies: First, I determine the primary resources and currencies that players will interact with. This could include in-game currency, experience points, crafting materials, or other collectible items.

2. Establish reward structures and progression: Next, I define the reward structures and how players will progress through the game. In my last role, I worked on a project where we had to ensure that players would receive appropriate rewards for their efforts, creating a sense of accomplishment while also motivating them to continue playing. This involved determining the amount of resources awarded for various in-game activities, as well as designing a balanced leveling system.

3. Monitor and adjust: Finally, I closely monitor player feedback and in-game metrics to identify any imbalances or unintended consequences. From what I've seen, regular adjustments are often necessary to maintain a balanced economy, as player behavior can be unpredictable and may reveal unforeseen issues or exploits.

How would you design a tutorial level that effectively teaches players the core mechanics of a game without overwhelming them?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
When I ask this question, I'm trying to gauge your understanding of player psychology and your ability to create a smooth onboarding experience for new players. The key here is to strike the right balance between teaching and engaging the player. I want to see if you can design a tutorial that's easy to understand, enjoyable, and gradually introduces the core mechanics without overwhelming or boring the player.

In your answer, focus on the specific techniques you would use to achieve this balance, such as pacing, visual cues, and in-game prompts. It's also important to mention how you would keep the tutorial engaging, whether that's through narrative elements, interesting challenges, or other creative methods. Avoid answers that are too vague or don't address the main goal of creating an effective tutorial level. Your response should demonstrate a clear understanding of the challenges involved in tutorial design and a thoughtful approach to overcoming them.
- Marie-Caroline Pereira, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
I've found that the key to designing an effective tutorial level is to introduce core mechanics gradually and intuitively, while allowing players to explore and experiment. My go-to approach involves the following steps:

1. Determine essential mechanics: I start by identifying the most critical game mechanics that players need to understand in order to be successful in the game.

2. Break down mechanics into digestible components: I then break down these mechanics into smaller components, which can be introduced one at a time to avoid overwhelming the player.

3. Create a safe and engaging learning environment: I design the tutorial level in a way that encourages exploration and experimentation, providing players with a low-risk environment to learn at their own pace. In my experience, this helps players feel more comfortable and confident with the game mechanics.

4. Provide clear and concise instructions: Throughout the tutorial, I ensure that instructions are presented in a clear and concise manner, using visual cues and in-game prompts to guide players without disrupting the flow of gameplay.

5. Reinforce learning through repetition and practice: I believe that practice is essential for mastering new skills, so I incorporate opportunities for players to apply what they've learned and receive immediate feedback on their performance.

Interview Questions on Level Design

What tools and techniques do you use to create immersive and engaging level designs?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
When I ask this question, what I'm really trying to accomplish is to gauge your technical skills and your ability to create captivating game experiences. I want to know if you're familiar with the latest tools and techniques that are widely used in the industry or if you have any unique methods that you've developed on your own. It's important for me to see that you're adaptable and willing to learn new tools as the industry evolves. I'm also curious about how you approach the creative side of level design, such as how you create a sense of immersion and engagement for players. Remember, don't just list the tools you use; explain how you utilize them to create captivating levels.
- Emma Berry-Robinson, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Creating immersive and engaging level designs requires a combination of tools and techniques. In my experience, the following are essential:

1. Level design software: I use level design software, such as Unity or Unreal Engine, to create the basic structure and layout of the level. These tools allow me to quickly prototype and iterate on my designs, making it easier to experiment with different ideas and find the most effective solutions.

2. Sketching and planning: Before diving into the software, I often sketch out my ideas on paper or create digital mockups. This helps me to visualize the level's layout and plan how the various gameplay elements will fit together.

3. Environmental storytelling: I use environmental storytelling techniques to create a sense of immersion and to convey the game's narrative through the level design. This might involve using environmental details, such as graffiti, posters, or abandoned items, to hint at the backstory or setting of the game.

4. Playtesting and feedback: I believe that playtesting is crucial for creating engaging level designs. By observing players as they navigate my levels and gathering their feedback, I can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to ensure that the level is both challenging and enjoyable.

5. Collaboration: Finally, I collaborate closely with other team members, such as artists, programmers, and sound designers, to ensure that all elements of the level design work together cohesively. This helps to create a seamless and immersive experience for the player.

Can you describe a level you've designed that you are particularly proud of? What challenges did you face during the design process, and how did you overcome them?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
This question is all about showcasing your problem-solving abilities and your ability to adapt to challenges. In my experience, candidates who can effectively discuss the challenges they've faced and how they've overcome them are more likely to excel in a game design role. When answering this question, focus on the specific obstacles you encountered and the creative solutions you employed to overcome them. It's essential to be honest about the difficulties you faced, as it helps me understand how you handle adversity and learn from your experiences.
- Grace Abrams, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
In my last role, I designed a level for an action-adventure game that I'm particularly proud of. The level was set in an ancient, abandoned city, and the objective was to explore the environment and uncover hidden secrets. One challenge I faced during the design process was creating a sense of mystery and discovery while still providing clear guidance for the player.

To overcome this challenge, I focused on using environmental storytelling to guide the player. For example, I placed subtle clues and landmarks throughout the level, such as worn-down paths, crumbling statues, and mysterious symbols. This helped to create an engaging atmosphere while also providing the player with a sense of direction. Additionally, I worked closely with the narrative team to incorporate story elements and lore into the level design, which further enhanced the sense of discovery for the player.

Interview Questions on Narrative Design

How do you balance gameplay and storytelling to create a cohesive and engaging player experience?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
When I ask this question, I'm trying to gauge your understanding of both gameplay mechanics and narrative elements. Game design is a delicate balance between these two components, and it's important to strike the right chord to keep players engaged. I want to know if you can prioritize and make tough decisions when it comes to gameplay versus storytelling, and how you've done so in the past. Additionally, I want to see if you can articulate your thought process and approach, demonstrating your ability to communicate effectively with a team.

Avoid focusing solely on one aspect, like gameplay or story, and don't be afraid to discuss compromises or trade-offs you've made. Show me that you understand the importance of both components and have experience in finding the right balance to create a well-rounded, engaging experience for players.
- Emma Berry-Robinson, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Balancing gameplay and storytelling is a key aspect of creating a cohesive and engaging player experience. In my approach, I like to think of gameplay and storytelling as two sides of the same coin, with each element supporting and enhancing the other.

To achieve this balance, I focus on integrating storytelling elements directly into the gameplay. This could include using environmental storytelling to convey narrative information, designing gameplay mechanics that reflect the themes and emotions of the story, or incorporating character development and interactions into the gameplay itself.

Additionally, I carefully pace the level to ensure a smooth flow between gameplay and story moments. This involves balancing high-intensity gameplay sections with quieter, more narrative-focused segments, allowing the player to fully engage with both aspects of the game.

Interview Questions on Game Prototyping

Can you describe a game prototype you've developed that led to a successful project? What challenges did you face during the prototyping process, and how did you overcome them?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
With this question, I want to learn about your experience with prototyping and how you handle challenges that arise during the early stages of game development. Prototyping is crucial for testing ideas and identifying potential issues, so it's important for you to demonstrate your ability to create effective prototypes and iterate on them based on feedback and analysis.

Don't just focus on the successful outcome, but also share the struggles and lessons learned along the way. Be specific about the challenges you faced and how you overcame them, showcasing your problem-solving skills and adaptability. Remember, I'm not just looking for a success story; I want to see how you tackle obstacles and learn from your experiences in the game development process.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
One of the game prototypes I developed that led to a successful project was a puzzle-platformer with a unique twist on gravity manipulation. The core mechanic involved the player shifting gravity to navigate through levels and solve puzzles.

During the prototyping process, one of the main challenges we faced was finding the right balance between challenge and accessibility. We wanted the puzzles to be engaging and challenging, but not so difficult that players would become frustrated and give up. To overcome this challenge, we iteratively playtested the prototype with a diverse group of players, gathering feedback and making adjustments to the level design and puzzle complexity accordingly.

Another challenge was ensuring that the gravity manipulation mechanic felt intuitive and responsive. We experimented with various control schemes and fine-tuned the physics engine to make the gameplay feel smooth and enjoyable. This iterative process was crucial in creating a polished and successful final product.

Behavioral Questions

Interview Questions on Creativity

Tell me about a time when you had to come up with a completely new game mechanic or idea. What was the process you went through to develop it and how did it turn out?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
What I'm trying to get at with this question is whether you have the creativity and problem-solving skills to come up with fresh ideas in an industry that's always changing. I also want to see how you approach the development process from the seed of an idea to implementation. The most important thing is to not regurgitate an answer from a textbook, rather show that you can think on your feet and are capable of generating interesting concepts. Make sure you provide a clear example of a time you did this, along with the steps you took and the outcome—both successes and any challenges you faced.
- Marie-Caroline Pereira, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
One time I was working on a project where we wanted to create a unique 3D platformer game with an engaging mechanic. The idea was to base the game around a character with magnetic abilities, allowing them to manipulate metallic objects within the environment. We knew that this would be a differentiator and set our game apart from the competition.

I began by trying to identify the core gameplay mechanics that would revolve around this magnetic ability. I brainstormed with my team and we came up with several ideas such as using the power to move objects, create shields, and even levitate the character. Once we had these ideas in place, we developed prototypes to ensure the gameplay would be smooth and engaging. Through trial and error, we tweaked and polished the initial prototypes.

Our biggest challenge was making sure the magnetic mechanic didn't feel gimmicky or overpowered. We balanced the gameplay by designing levels that specifically required the use of magnetic abilities, as well as incorporating resources that would limit the player's power. This helped add a strategic layer to the game and encouraged players to think creatively.

In the end, the game was well-received by both players and critics alike. They praised us for the innovative gameplay and clever level design that revolved around the magnetic mechanic. Overall, it was a rewarding experience that helped me push the boundaries of game design and showed me the importance of creativity and collaboration in developing successful games.

Describe a game you worked on where you had to think outside of the box to solve a design problem. What was the problem and how did you approach solving it?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
In asking this question, the interviewer wants to assess your creative thinking skills and problem-solving abilities, particularly within the context of game design. They're interested in understanding how you approach challenges and whether you can come up with innovative solutions when faced with a difficult problem. By sharing a real-life example from your past work, you can showcase your adaptability and resourcefulness, which are essential qualities for a game designer. It's important to choose a specific example where your actions led to a successful outcome and highlight the steps you took to reach your solution.
- Emma Berry-Robinson, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
One game that I worked on, called "Magical Maze," involved designing a complex 3D labyrinth. The game's core mechanic was using spells to manipulate the maze walls, creating new paths for the player to follow. Early in development, we realized that our original design for wall manipulation was challenging for players to understand and led to frustration.

To address this issue, I decided to think beyond the conventional wisdom of what a maze should look like and how it should function. Instead of having players manually rearrange walls using spells, I designed a system where the walls could be "pulled" or "pushed" by the player's character. This allowed for more intuitive interaction and better communication of the game mechanic. I pitched this idea to the team, and they were on board with it.

To make this new mechanic work smoothly, I had to create a unique visual language that would represent the different actions a player could take with the walls. I experimented with different colors and symbols to create a visual system that was easy to understand and matched the game's magical theme. In collaboration with the rest of the team, we iterated on this visual language until it felt just right.

As a result, the new wall manipulation mechanic became a defining feature of "Magical Maze," and players praised its intuitiveness and innovation. By thinking outside of the box and breaking away from traditional maze design, I was able to create a unique gameplay experience that resonated with our target audience.

Can you walk me through the creative process you typically follow when starting a new game design project?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
As an interviewer, I'm trying to understand how you approach your work and if your creative process will mesh well with our existing team members. This question helps me gauge how organized you are, whether you're adaptable to different projects, and how you think critically about design problems. It's important that you show your passion for game design and give a sense of your project management skills in your response. Be prepared to highlight any unique aspects of your creative process that set you apart from other candidates.

When answering this question, consider sharing a brief story or a specific example from a past project to illustrate your process. This gives me a clearer idea of what it's like to work with you, and how your thought process evolves from the initial concept to the final product. Remember that every hiring manager may have slightly different expectations, so try to tailor your answer to the company and role you're interviewing for.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Sure! For me, the creative process begins with a deep dive into the game's concept or theme. I like to immerse myself in the game's world to get a better understanding of the story, mechanics, and characters. For instance, when I worked on a project inspired by ancient mythology, I spent hours researching the lore, reading books, and watching documentaries to get a solid foundation on the subject matter.

Once I have a good understanding of the world, I move on to finding a unique angle that sets the game apart and is engaging for the player. In the mythology project, I identified a lesser-known story about a hero's journey that I believed would make for an interesting game plot. Weaving in this narrative helped us create more memorable characters and settings.

Next, I begin sketching out rough 3D models to visualize the key components of the game. This helps me establish a sense of scale and determine how we can make the most of the available assets. During the modeling phase, I work closely with the game designers and artists to ensure our visions align and that the models are ready for animation and texturing.

Throughout the process, I maintain an open line of communication with the team to address any issues or changes that may arise. It's important for me to be adaptable and resourceful in finding solutions to any challenges we may face.

Finally, I review the final product with a critical eye, looking for areas where we can improve or polish the models and overall design. I believe that the pursuit of perfection is crucial in creating a truly immersive and engaging game experience for our players.

Interview Questions on Collaboration

Describe a time when you had to work with a challenging team member on a project. What steps did you take to resolve any conflicts and ensure the project was still successful?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
I asked this question because I want to see how you handle difficult situations and collaborate with challenging team members. It's important for me to know that you can adapt and find solutions when conflicts arise. As a 3D modeler in the game design industry, you'll be working with various team members, each with their different working styles and personalities. Your ability to navigate these relationships and maintain a professional attitude will be crucial to the project's success.

When you're answering this question, be honest about the challenges you faced and the resolution process you undertook without speaking negatively about the team member. Focus on showing strong communication, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence skills. Share the specific actions you took and emphasize your commitment to teamwork and delivering high-quality results.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
I remember a time when I was working on a project with a team member who was very talented but also quite stubborn and had a tendency to work in isolation. Our communication wasn't as smooth as it could have been, which threatened to slow down the project and impact the end result.

I first took a step back and evaluated the situation. I realized that both the project and our working relationship could benefit from more open and clear communication. So, I scheduled a one-on-one meeting with them to discuss our concerns and expectations. During the conversation, I focused on finding common ground and emphasizing the importance of collaboration to achieve the best possible results for the project. I also listened attentively to their perspective and tried to understand where they were coming from.

After our discussion, we agreed to establish regular check-ins to keep each other updated on our progress, ask for feedback, and share ideas. Implementing these check-ins helped us to build a stronger working relationship and improved our collaboration significantly. We were able to overcome our challenges, and the project turned out to be a success.

While it wasn't easy to confront the situation, I learned a great deal about the importance of communication and the value of understanding different working styles. Ultimately, I believe that our ability to resolve conflicts and work together as a team plays a crucial role in the success of any project.

Tell me about a time when you had to give feedback to a team member on their game design. How did you approach the conversation and what was the outcome?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
As an interviewer, I'm asking this question to understand how you handle giving feedback to your teammates, particularly when it comes to their game designs. I want to ensure that you have strong communication skills and the ability to address issues diplomatically. I'm also looking for someone who is comfortable providing constructive criticism but remains respectful and focused on the larger goal of improving the project.

When answering this question, try to choose an example that illustrates your ability to take a diplomatic approach and maintain a positive working relationship with your team member. The outcome of the situation should show that your feedback was well-received and led to improvements in the project.
- Marie-Caroline Pereira, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
I remember a time when I was working on a team designing a new game level. One of our team members was responsible for creating the 3D models for some of the game's interactive elements. Upon reviewing their work, I noticed that the models seemed to be lacking the desired level of detail and polish. I knew I needed to give feedback in a way that would help the team member improve without causing tension.

I approached the conversation by first acknowledging the effort that the team member had put into their work. I mentioned how I could see they spent time on the models but that our project would benefit from a few adjustments. Rather than simply pointing out what was wrong, I provided specific examples of ways to enhance the 3D models—such as adjusting texture, playing with lighting, and experimenting with geometry.

I also made sure to ask questions to understand their thought process and determine if there were any challenges they faced during the modeling process. This allowed me to provide further support and guidance if needed. In the end, the team member took my feedback to heart and made the necessary changes. As a result, the improved models significantly contributed to the overall quality of the game level and helped us reach our design goals. The whole team appreciated the outcome, and the team member and I continued to have a strong working relationship.

Can you give an example of a project you worked on where collaboration was crucial to its success? How did you ensure effective communication and teamwork?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
As an interviewer, I am interested in your experience working in a team and how you handle communication. Collaboration is key in the game design industry, and your ability to effectively work with others will contribute to the overall success of the project. This question helps me assess your interpersonal skills and your ability to manage team dynamics, which is crucial to the role of a 3d modeler.

Focus on providing a specific example that demonstrates your collaborative skills. Use this opportunity to show your understanding of teamwork, communication, and adapting to different situations. Talk about the challenges you faced and how you overcame them, emphasizing the outcome of the project.
- Grace Abrams, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
There was this one project where I was part of a team designing a new game level. The team included artists, designers, and programmers. Collaboration was crucial because every single member had a different area of expertise, and we all needed to be on the same page to create a cohesive experience for the players.

To ensure effective communication and teamwork, I started by establishing a regular schedule for meetings, during which we discussed progress, problems, and plans. This allowed us to keep everyone updated and aware of each other's tasks. Additionally, we used communication tools like Slack to keep a continuous flow of conversation and feedback between team members.

One challenge we faced was that some artists' ideas clashed with the level design. To resolve this, we created a shared reference board where everyone could post their ideas, allowing for open discussions and finding the best solution for the overall game experience. We also assigned a team lead to mediate decision-making and ensure that the project stayed on track.

In the end, our strong collaboration allowed us to create a well-received game level. Through effective communication and teamwork, we were able to navigate challenges and bring together diverse perspectives that ultimately led to the project's success.

Interview Questions on Problem-Solving

Describe a time when you encountered a difficult obstacle in a game design project. How did you approach the problem and what was the outcome?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
When I ask this question, I'm trying to see how you handle challenges and problem-solving in real-life situations. Game design projects can often encounter unexpected obstacles, and I want to know if you can adapt and come up with creative solutions. I'm also looking for examples of teamwork and communication, as collaboration is crucial in game design. Be sure to mention any specific tools or techniques you used to overcome the obstacle, as it demonstrates your knowledge and skillset.

In your answer, focus on the process and thought process that led you to the solution. It doesn't have to be a huge problem, but it should be significant enough to show your ability to think critically and adapt under pressure. Also, don't forget to mention the outcome and what you learned from the experience.
- Lucy Stratham, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
I remember working on a project where we had to design an open-world environment for a fantasy game. One of the main challenges we faced was creating a realistic and engaging landscape with a limited budget for assets and manpower. We had to come up with creative solutions to make the world feel expansive and immersive without overextending our resources.

What we decided to do was to focus on a modular approach, allowing us to reuse assets in various ways, reducing the need for custom work. We also prioritized areas where players would spend the most time and invested more resources into those zones. This allowed us to create a higher level of detail and engagement where it mattered most, while still maintaining a cohesive world design.

In order to communicate effectively, our team used project management tools, like Trello and Slack, to keep everyone on track and address any issues as they arose. We held regular meetings to discuss progress and brainstorm solutions when we faced challenges during development.

As a result, we were able to deliver a compelling open-world experience on time and within budget. The game received positive feedback from both players and critics, particularly for the immersive environment and clever use of resources. This experience taught me the importance of creative problem-solving, effective communication, and the value of a modular approach in game design.

Tell me about a project you worked on where the team encountered a major setback. How did you help get the project back on track?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
As an interviewer, when I ask this question, I'm trying to gauge your problem-solving skills, adaptability, and your ability to work well under pressure. I want to know if you can handle unexpected challenges, contribute positively to the team's efforts, and turn a setback into an opportunity for growth. By sharing a specific example, you can demonstrate your ability to think on your feet, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively in a challenging situation.

In your response, don't just focus on the problem – it's crucial to emphasize the steps you took to overcome the setback and how your actions impacted the project's outcome. Show that you can think critically, take initiative, and stay positive in the face of adversity. Remember to focus on your role within the team, as it demonstrates your ability to contribute meaningfully and play well with others.
- Emma Berry-Robinson, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
At my previous job as a 3D modeler for a game studio, we were working on a project that required a highly detailed, realistic environment. However, midway through the project, we discovered that our models and textures were too heavy for the game engine, causing severe performance issues.

Immediately, I gathered the team to discuss the situation and brainstorm solutions. We realized that we needed to optimize our assets without sacrificing the overall visual quality. I took the initiative to research more efficient ways to create textures and models, and after some experimentation, I found a solution that involved using a combination of texture atlases and LOD (level of detail) meshes.

I presented this solution to the team and provided guidelines on how to implement these techniques in our workflow. Everyone was on board, and we began reworking our assets accordingly. This required extra effort and collaboration, but we managed to maintain the level of detail required while significantly reducing the game's performance issues.

The experience taught us the importance of considering technical limitations from the start of a project. As a result, our team has become more efficient and proactive in addressing potential problems before they escalate. It also reinforced the value of open communication and working together to overcome setbacks, which have become fundamental aspects of our team culture.

Can you walk me through your decision-making process when making design choices for a game? Can you give an example of a difficult decision you had to make and how you approached it?

Hiring Manager for Game Design Roles
When asking about your decision-making process, interviewers want to make sure that you're systematic and thoughtful in your approach to game design. They're also interested in how you handle challenges and difficult decisions. By providing an example of a tough decision you made, you can demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and adaptability. It's essential to be detailed in your response, showcasing both your creativity and technical skills, as well as your ability to work within constraints and collaborate with others.

In your answer, be sure to explain how you consider various factors, such as gameplay, player experience, art, and technical limitations. Also, make it clear how you collaborate with other team members and remain flexible and open to change when making design choices. Personalize your response with a story that demonstrates your skills and highlights your decision-making process in action.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
One decision-making process I use when making design choices for a game involves considering the balance between gameplay, player experience, art, and technical limitations. I start by brainstorming ideas and gathering feedback from team members. I also think about how the design choices align with the game's overall vision and genre.

A difficult decision I faced was during a project where I had to design a unique creature for a fantasy-themed game. It had to be visually striking, yet also fit within the game's established lore and art style. I started by sketching various concepts and discussing them with the art and narrative teams. We eventually agreed on a concept, but during the 3D modeling process, we realized that the creature’s complex design might cause performance issues on lower-end devices.

This required us to make a tough decision: either simplify the creature's design or risk alienating players with less powerful hardware. I gathered the team to weigh the pros and cons of each option and ultimately decided to streamline the design without compromising its essence. To do so, we focused on optimizing the creature's polygon count and texture size, and we also worked with the animation team to ensure it still had a dynamic, fluid movement.

In the end, we managed to create a creature that was both visually captivating and technically feasible for the game. This experience taught me the importance of considering technical limitations during the design process and the value of working closely with the team to address challenges and make informed design decisions.

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