Writing the Perfect LinkedIn Connection Requests (Templates Included!)

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  • Introduction and Key Insights
  • Email Template #1: Writing effective connection requests on LinkedIn
  • Email Template #2: Best LinkedIn message templates for connection requests
  • Email Template #3: LinkedIn Message Template to a potential recruiter
  • Email Template #4: LinkedIn Message Template to someone in the same group
  • Email Template #5: LinkedIn connection request to a recruiter
  • Email Template #6: LinkedIn connection request to a recruiter
  • Email Template #7: Reaching out to someone with common interests
  • Email Template #8: Reaching out to ask about a job
  • Email Template #9: Reaching out to a second degree contact
  • Email Template #10: Reconnecting with an old contact
  • Email Template #11: Cold connection request with no common ground
  • Additional email and LinkedIn templates
  • Get more insights and strategies
  • Writing the Perfect LinkedIn Connection Requests (Templates Included!)

    "I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn."

    Hmmmm. LinkedIn connection requests don’t get more *yawn* than this.

    Generic LinkedIn requests get ignored. You’ll see much better results of acceptance by taking a few minutes to personalize the message. Make your first contact targeted, personal, and relevant!

    Tips on crafting the perfect cold outreach Linkedin connection request

    How did you find them?

    Did they write an article, share interesting content, present a workshop, or do you have a peer in common? Let them know.

    Establish common ground

    Share something you have in common - perhaps a point in the article they wrote or a professional interest. This adds authenticity.

    Why are you connecting?

    Just ‘to connect’ doesn’t cut it. Be specific - do you want to ask professional advice, learn more about their work, or know about a product?

    Get straight to the point

    You’ve got a few seconds to grab their interest. A LinkedIn connection request should be more ‘instant messenger’ than email style. Stick to a few concise sentences with the points above and a closing phrase (eg: I’d love to keep in touch) and your name.

    A few minutes of extra effort will pay off for your LinkedIn connection requests. You’ll see! Below are a few templates you can use.

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