The Thank You Email You Need To Send After An Informational Interview (Template Included!)

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  • Email Template #1: Sending a thank you note after an informational interview
  • Email Template #2: Formal thank you email after informational interview
  • Email Template #3: Thank you note after informational interview
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  • The Thank You Email You Need To Send After An Informational Interview (Template Included!)

    You had a great informational interview and are feeling positive about the professional opportunities it may open up. Nice work!

    What’s next? Following up with a thank you message to the person you met with.

    Sending a short thank you after your informational interview shows your appreciation for their time. Most importantly, it lets them know you’re taking action on their advice.

    Key advice to keep in mind

    We’ve put together an email sample for you to send after your informational interview - make it your own with these tips:

    • Thank them early - Begin the email by thanking the person for meeting with you.
    • Show them you listened - Be specific about what you learned from the conversation. This really helps your email stand out.
      Example: “It was so helpful to get your insights on (insert industry insights)”
    • Confirm you’re taking action - Did they give you guidance on steps to take? Let them know you’re taking action.
      Example: “Thanks for your recommendation to join the Berkley Alumni group on LinkedIn. I’ve connected with them.”
    • Offer your help - Finish up by extending your offer to help. How can you provide value to the person who took time out of their schedule to meet with you?

    Send the thank you note within 24 hours of your informational interview. It’s a simple gesture that will help strengthen your professional connections!

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