The Complete Guide To Listing Remote Work on a Resume

Whether you’re looking for fully remote positions or navigating a return to the office, here’s how to demonstrate the key skills employers are looking for.

3 years ago   •   6 min read

By Rohan Mahtani
Table of contents

The past couple of years have seen a fundamental shift in how businesses operate, particularly when it comes to remote work. Over 50% of all employees now work remotely at least part-time, and that number isn’t set to decrease any time soon.

With more positions becoming hybrid or fully remote, it’s worth learning how to effectively showcase remote work on your resume. In this guide, we’ve put together a few tips to help you get started, as well as some examples of remote work accomplishments you can list on your resume.

How to put remote jobs on your resume

There are a few different ways to make it clear on your resume that you’ve worked remotely (or are open to remote work in the future).

  1. List your location and/or the location of your office.
  2. Add “(Remote)” to the end of your location.
  3. Specify remote work in your resume header.
  4. Mention remote work in your resume summary.
  5. Include remote work accomplishments in your bullet points. Let's look at a few example:
Four annotated examples of how to show remote experience on a resume
Four annotated examples of how to show remote experience on a resume

Find out if your resume shows enough soft skills for a remote worker

You can choose to put your remote work experience (or willingness to work remotely) in your resume header, resume summary or your bullet point accomplishments, but wherever you choose to put it, it’s important you highlight the right quantifiable accomplishments and soft skills. A good way to find out if you’ve done just that is to upload your resume to the tool below— it’ll tell you if you’ve shown strong accomplishments and soft skills that hiring managers and recruiters look for in a remote worker.

Listing a remote work location: Four options

There are a few different options for formatting your location if you’ve primarily worked from home.

List the location where you were based

When choosing your location, you can list either the location where you were based or the location where your company is based — there’s no need to specify which if you don’t want to.


Company Name | San Diego, CA (Remote)
Include your location on a resume and specify that you worked remotely
Include your location on a resume and specify that you worked remotely

List the location where your office was based

If you worked specific hours for an office in a different location or time zone, you can be explicit about that on your resume.


Company Name, New York City office | Remote
Use your company location to indicate your home office location or time zone
Use your company location to indicate your home office location or time zone

List both your location and the location of your office

To be perfectly clear about the status of your remote work, you can list both your location and the location of your company.


Company Name, New York City office
Remote — based in Toronto, Canada
List both your location and the location of your company if you worked remotely
List both your location and the location of your company if you worked remotely

Specify remote work in your resume header

If you’re looking for — or even just open to — remote positions, you can include a line in your resume header that specifies this. Next to your location, simply list that you’re open to remote work.


Denver, CO (Open to Remote)
Indicate that you’re open to remote work in your resume header
Indicate that you’re open to remote work in your resume header

Related: How To List Self Employment on Your Resume

When to include remote work on your resume

You don’t always need to specify that you worked remotely. You should mention remote work on your resume if:

  • You’re specifically looking for remote opportunities
  • You’re applying for a fully remote or hybrid position
  • You’re applying to a company that includes remote workers

It’s a better idea to leave explicit mentions of remote work off your resume if:

  • You’re applying for a 100% in-person role
  • You’re applying to a company that doesn’t offer remote work or has expressed preferences against remote workers

In those cases, leaving remote work off your resume may help avoid biases that you’re only looking for a remote position.

You may still be asked whether your role was remote or in-office during an interview. In that case, you should be prepared to answer honestly about where you were based and what you accomplished while working remotely, but you don’t need to proactively offer that information.

What to do if you’re looking for remote work

Emphasize remote work skills

If you’re actively looking for remote or hybrid positions, emphasize skills that are relevant to working from home. Some of the top remote skills to highlight are:

Communication skills. Include examples of how you’ve maintained close communication while working remotely, like scheduling weekly check-ins, sending daily status updates, or hosting online events.

Remote technology. Even if you weren’t working remotely, chances are you’ve had to familiarize yourself with digital collaboration tools like Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Basecamp, and Asana. Prioritizing listing technologies you know well and are likely to use regularly in the new position, particularly if they’re mentioned in the job description.

Remote management skills. If you’ll be leading a team of people who are working remotely or on a hybrid schedule, be explicit about your ability to manage employees without being face to face.

Self-motivation. The ability to manage your own time and maintain productivity is a key aspect of working remotely. Quantify your resume accomplishments to show that you can work well with minimal oversight by pointing to any increase in project completion rate, revenue generation, or time savings while working remotely.

Initiative. If you’re keen to continue working remotely in a time when some companies worry about the effects of remote work on team-building and collaboration, highlight your ability to build relationships and contribute to company culture. Point to accomplishments that include times you’ve gone above and beyond to support a colleague, organized a team-building event, or proactively kept others in the loop.

Flexibility. The less-structured nature of remote work and hybrid schedules means that an ability to adapt to changing circumstances is a huge plus. Working with colleagues or clients across different time zones, transitioning between remote and in-office work, and arranging hybrid schedules that allow for maximum team collaboration are all key skills to highlight.

If you’re not sure what skills are relevant to the remote job you’re applying for, search for the job using the tool below and it’ll give you a list of skills required for that position. The tool also gives you the option to add your resume — it’ll perform a quick scan and tell you what skills are missing.

Highlight remote work in a resume summary or blurb

If you’re applying for a permanently remote position — especially if it involves supervising others — consider using your resume summary to highlight your experience working or managing a team remotely.

Highlight key remote work accomplishments in your resume summary
Highlight key remote work accomplishments in your resume summary

Alternatively, you can emphasize remote work by including a short blurb underneath the company name and job title.

Be explicit about what your job entailed by including a short blurb
Be explicit about what your job entailed by including a short blurb

Include remote accomplishments in your bullet points

Here are some examples of bullet points that emphasize remote work accomplishments:

  • Managed team of 6 direct reports during COVID-19, including transition to remote work and coordinating hybrid work schedules.
  • Enhanced team performance through coaching, feedback and effective communication while working remotely, increasing team efficacy rate by 15% with higher job satisfaction reported amongst staff.
  • Led 4-person sales team to record-breaking sales figures, increasing revenue by 60% while working remotely.
  • Remotely managed 10+ projects for team leaders in 3 locations worldwide.
  • Led remote onboarding for 5 new employees over Zoom.
  • Mentored 3 staff on using remote technology including Slack and Microsoft Teams.
  • Organized remote networking events with 1000+ participants across 3 time zones.
  • Conducted final round Zoom interviews with 12+ candidates and collaborated with Senior Management on hiring decisions.
  • Promoted 6 months ahead of schedule due to strong performance and organizational impact while working remotely.
  • Spearheaded migration from in-person to online reservation system, increasing bookings by 30%.

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