Purchasing Coordinator
Similar Professions

Alternative Careers and Similar Jobs to a Purchasing Coordinator

As a Purchasing Coordinator, you have transferrable skills that would make you a good fit for other similar jobs. Here's a list of related jobs, possible career transitions and alternative careers, based on skills you likely have.

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Similar Job Titles
  • Purchasing Representative
  • Purchasing Manager
  • Purchase Specialist
  • Purchasing Analyst
  • Purchasing Assistant
  • Purchasing Supervisor
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    Alternative Careers
  • Buyer
  • Procurement Specialist
  • Operations Manager
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    Similar Job Titles to a Purchasing Coordinator

    These job titles are similar to the Purchasing Coordinator role, and are often used interchangeably by companies. For example, some employers may refer to a Purchasing Coordinator as either a Purchasing Representative or a Purchasing Manager.

    Purchasing Representative
     Extremely Similar Skills

    Skill Similarity


    A Purchasing Representative shares 94% of core skills with a Purchasing Coordinator.

    Skills to develop to transition to this role

    Strategic Sourcing
    Inventory Control
    Materials Management
    Team Building
    Supplier Negotiation
    Pricing Strategy
    Strategic Sourcing

    Load more skills
    Explore this career profile See all Purchasing Representative skills
    Purchasing Manager
     Very Similar Skills

    Skill Similarity


    A Purchasing Manager shares 87% of core skills with a Purchasing Coordinator.

    Skills to develop to transition to this role

    Strategic Sourcing
    Purchase Management
    Product Development
    Supply Management
    Strategic Planning
    Materials Management
    Purchase Management

    Load more skills
    Explore this career profile See all Purchasing Manager skills
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    Purchase Specialist
     Extremely Similar Skills

    Skill Similarity


    A Purchase Specialist shares 94% of core skills with a Purchasing Coordinator.

    Skills to develop to transition to this role

    Purchase Management
    Materials Management
    Strategic Sourcing
    Vendor Management
    Product Development
    SAP Materials Management (SAP MM)

    Load more skills
    Explore this career profile See all Purchase Specialist skills
    Purchasing Analyst
     Very Similar Skills

    Skill Similarity


    A Purchasing Analyst shares 90% of core skills with a Purchasing Coordinator.

    Skills to develop to transition to this role

    Strategic Sourcing
    SAP Products
    Supply Management
    Purchasing Negotiation
    Materials Management
    Data Analysis
    Purchase Management

    Load more skills
    See all Purchasing Analyst skills
    Purchasing Assistant
     Extremely Similar Skills

    Skill Similarity


    A Purchasing Assistant shares 94% of core skills with a Purchasing Coordinator.

    Skills to develop to transition to this role

    Purchase Requisitions
    Data Entry
    Purchasing Negotiation
    Purchase Management
    Stock Control

    Load more skills
    See all Purchasing Assistant skills
    Purchasing Supervisor
     Very Similar Skills

    Skill Similarity


    A Purchasing Supervisor shares 86% of core skills with a Purchasing Coordinator.

    Skills to develop to transition to this role

    Purchase Management
    Supplier Development
    Strategic Sourcing
    Project Management
    Vendor Management
    Strategic Planning

    Load more skills
    See all Purchasing Supervisor skills

    Alternative Careers and Related Jobs For a Purchasing Coordinator

    Here is a list of possible career transitions and similar professions a typical Purchasing Coordinator often moves into, within or outside their industry.

     Fairly Similar Skills
    ★  Very Popular

    Skill Similarity


    A Buyer shares 79% of core skills with a Purchasing Coordinator.

    Skills to develop to transition to this role

    Supplier Negotiation
    Purchasing Negotiation
    Retail Buying
    Strategic Sourcing
    Merchandise Planning
    Purchase Management

    Load more skills
    Explore this career profile See all Buyer skills
    Procurement Specialist
     Fairly Similar Skills

    Skill Similarity


    A Procurement Specialist shares 77% of core skills with a Purchasing Coordinator.

    Skills to develop to transition to this role

    Purchasing Negotiation
    Procurement Contracts
    Project Management
    Project Planning
    Strategic Planning
    Supplier Negotiation
    Strategic Sourcing

    Load more skills
    Explore this career profile See all Procurement Specialist skills
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    Operations Manager
     Fairly Similar Skills

    Skill Similarity


    An Operations Manager shares 52% of core skills with a Purchasing Coordinator.

    Skills to develop to transition to this role

    Strategic Planning
    Project Management
    Team Building
    Team Leadership
    Change Management
    Business Development
    Project Planning

    Load more skills
    Explore this career profile See all Operations Manager skills

    High Value Skills to Build as a Purchasing Coordinator

    If you're a Purchasing Coordinator and are planning to move into a similar profession or alternative career, it's important to build the right skill sets to position you for your next career.

    We analyzed thousands of career transitions in your industry and identified the highest value skills to build as a Purchasing Coordinator. Building these skills will set you up for the most number of the above careers.

    • Merchandising
    • Retail
    • Supplier Negotiation
    • Purchasing Negotiation
    • Retail Buying
    • Strategic Sourcing
    • Merchandise Planning
    • Purchase Management
    • Inventory Control
    • Manufacturing
    • Materials Management
    • Team Building
    • Pricing Strategy
    • Product Development
    • Supply Management
    • Strategic Planning
    • Vendor Management
    • Sourcing
    • SAP Materials Management (SAP MM)

    Word Cloud of Skills to Build as a Purchasing Coordinator

    Here is a word cloud of the skills above. Use this as inspiration for the kinds of transferrable skills you need to build to move into a similar profession or alternative career.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What skills do you need to be a Procurement Specialist?

    Some skills that are common for a Purchasing Coordinator transitioning into a Procurement Specialist role are Purchasing Negotiation, Procurement Contracts, Project Management, Project Planning, Strategic Planning, Supplier Negotiation, Strategic Sourcing and E-procurement.

    What skills do you need to be an Operations Manager?

    As a Purchasing Coordinator trying to become an Operations Manager, you should develop skills like:

    • Strategic Planning
    • Project Management
    • Team Building
    • Team Leadership
    • Change Management
    • Leadership
    • Business Development
    • Project Planning

    What are similar jobs to a Purchasing Coordinator?

    Here is a list of jobs a former a Purchasing Coordinator could consider moving to:

    • Buyer
    • Procurement Specialist
    • Operations Manager

    What jobs would a former Purchasing Coordinator be qualified for?

    Below are the most common career transitions for a Purchasing Coordinator

    • Operations Manager
    • Buyer
    • Procurement Specialist

    What are job titles that related to a Purchasing Coordinator?

    Job titles that are related to a Purchasing Coordinator are:

    • Purchasing Supervisor
    • Purchasing Assistant
    • Purchasing Representative
    • Purchasing Manager
    • Purchasing Analyst
    • Purchase Specialist
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