How To Announce a Promotion on LinkedIn (With Examples)

A recruiter-backed, step-by-step guide to making a promotion announcement on LinkedIn, with specific examples you can use.

7 months ago   •   5 min read

By Rohan Mahtani
Table of contents

You landed a promotion! That deserves some recognition — but people can’t congratulate you if they don’t know about it.

If you’re nervous about coming across as self-congratulatory, rest assured that there are plenty of ways to keep your LinkedIn promotion announcement both humble and engaging. Keep reading for our best tips on how and where (and when!) to make the most of yours.

Key advice to remember when announcing a promotion on LinkedIn
Key advice to remember when announcing a promotion on LinkedIn

A step-by-step guide to announcing your promotion on LinkedIn

  1. Update your experience section. This is the easiest way to make sure your information on LinkedIn is up to date. You can also choose to automatically share updates with your network.
  2. Write a LinkedIn post. If you choose not to automatically share when you updated your profile — or if you have more that you want to say about your promotion — the best way is to take the time to craft a short but compelling post about it (scroll down for tips).
  3. Use the featured section. To really make a splash with your announcement, you can showcase it as a featured section, which will make sure it’s visible to anyone visiting your profile.
  4. Review your profile. Once you’re finished, run your profile through LinkedIn Review and get personalized tips on optimizing your profile to make sure your visibility to maximized.

The key components of a compelling LinkedIn promotion announcement

The right timing

Always wait until your promotion is official — that means the paperwork is in order, the title bump has gone through, and it’s been formally announced within your company. The only thing worse than not getting the promotion is announcing that you did and then having to walk it back because it hit a last-minute snag.

An opening hook

Any post should have a compelling opening. Start with an intriguing question, a surprising fact, a personal (but related) anecdote, or humorous tone to set the scene.  

Example: “From intern to executive — my journey led me from coffee runs to leading a department.”

Expressing gratitude

This is the key to coming off as humble even as you announce a major success. Express your gratitude early in the post and make sure to thank anyone who helped you get there, including colleagues, mentors, and supervisors.

Example: “I'm truly humbled by this promotion, and I want to thank my incredible team for their unwavering support.”

Mentioning your company and job title

This one seems so obvious that it doesn’t even warrant a mention, but you’d be surprised at what people often leave out of their promotion announcements! Clearly state the name of your company and the title of your new role to help get your message across to the right people.

Example: “I’m so excited to start my new role as Senior Project Manager at @CompanyXYZ.”

Highlighting your achievements

Don’t hold back — this is exactly the right time and place to mention the things you’re proud of. Share specific accomplishments that led to your promotion, using quantifiable data whenever you can (the same way you would on a resume).

Example: “Over the past year, our project increased revenue by 30%, and I'm excited to take it to new heights in my new role.”

Adding a personal touch

On the other hand, remember that this isn’t a resume, so make sure to write the announcement in your own voice. This also means you don’t have to be 100% positive — it’s okay to share any doubts or challenges you had along the way (and how you overcame them) in order to keep it relatable.

Example: “This promotion means more to me than words can express; it's the culmination of years of dedication and late-night brainstorming sessions.”

Incorporating visuals

To take your announcement to the next level, try adding some images or videos to your post. These could be photos of your team, a picture from your first day at work, or anything else that feels relevant.

Tagging specific individuals

What’s even better than thanking people? Tagging them directly. This is another way of acknowledging the people who helped you, but it’s also a great way of increasing the visibility of your post.

Example: “Big thanks to @MentorName and @SupervisorName for guiding me on this path to success.”

Using relevant hashtags

Another great way of expanding the reach of your post is to add a few (relevant) industry-specific or trending hashtags.

Example: #Leadership #CareerGrowth #Promotion #SocialMediaMarketingManager

LinkedIn promotion announcement examples

Looking for examples of what makes a genuinely engaging LinkedIn promotion announcement? Here are some of the best examples in different styles, both short and long — find one that matches the tone you’re aiming for and try tweaking it to fit your brand and voice.

“Thrilled to announce my promotion to [New Position] at [Company]. This journey has been incredible, and I couldn't have done it without my amazing team. Thank you all for your support! #CareerGrowth”
“Today marks a significant milestone in my career—I'm honored to step into the role of [New Position]. Thanks to my mentors, colleagues, and [Company] for believing in me. Onward and upward! #NextChapter
“As I step into my new role as [New Position], I'm eager to drive innovation and lead our team to new heights. Thank you to everyone who's been part of this journey. Let's make great things happen together! #Leadership”
“From the day I joined [Company] as an eager intern, I never imagined that I'd be here today, proudly announcing my promotion to [New Position]. I vividly recall my first project, where I learned the ropes, made mistakes, and grew with every challenge.
One memorable moment was when, just days before the campaign launch, our main designer fell ill, leaving us without crucial visual assets. In a moment of crisis, my team rallied together. I volunteered to step in, despite having limited design experience. I spent nights learning graphic design software, and with the support of my colleagues, we not only met the deadline but produced some of the most creative visuals our team had ever seen.
Today, I carry those lessons with me into this new role, and I'm excited to lead our team towards even greater success. Thank you all for being a part of my journey, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. #CareerJourney #PromotionStory”
“Announcing my promotion to [New Position] at [Company] has been an incredible journey. Yet, it wasn't without doubts.
I questioned my readiness and skills. But doubt is often a sign of growth. With support from my colleagues and self-belief, I embraced the challenge.
To anyone facing doubts, remember: Embrace them, seek support, and believe in yourself. I'm proof that you can overcome doubts to achieve greatness.
Thank you for being part of my journey. Excited to grow in this new role together! #CareerGrowth #PromotionStory”
“Hard work pays off! I'm thrilled to announce my promotion to [New Position] after a year of remarkable accomplishments. During this time, our team increased sales revenue by 40%, streamlined processes, and successfully launched [Project Name], which generated a 25% boost in customer engagement.
I couldn't have achieved this without our dedicated team and the unwavering support from my mentors at [Company]. This promotion is a testament to what we can achieve together, and I'm excited to lead us to even greater heights in my new role. Here's to the next chapter of growth and success! #CareerAchievements #Promotion”
“Reflecting on my journey from an eager intern to now proudly announcing my promotion to [New Position] brings back memories of the challenges and triumphs that have shaped me. I vividly recall my first project, where I learned the ropes, made mistakes, and grew with every challenge.
These experiences, combined with our hard work, have yielded tangible results. During this time, our team increased sales revenue by 40%, streamlined processes, and successfully launched [Project Name], which generated a 25% boost in customer engagement.
Today, I carry those lessons and achievements with me into this new role, and I'm excited to lead our team towards even greater success. Thank you all for being a part of my journey, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. #CareerJourney #PromotionStory #AchievementUnlocked

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