General Nurse Interview Questions

The ultimate General Nurse interview guide, curated by real hiring managers: question bank, recruiter insights, and sample answers.

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience
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Interview Questions on Clinical Skills

Can you discuss your experience with wound care and dressing changes?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
When I ask this question, I'm trying to gauge your hands-on experience with a fundamental aspect of nursing care. I want to know if you have the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively manage wound care, as well as your ability to adapt to different types of wounds and dressings. It's important to provide specific examples of your experience, demonstrating your competence in this area. Avoid giving a general answer that doesn't showcase your expertise. Instead, share details about the types of wounds you've treated, the dressings you've used, and any challenges you've faced in the process.
- Gerrard Wickert, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
In my experience, wound care and dressing changes are crucial aspects of nursing to promote healing and prevent infection. I have dealt with a variety of wounds, from surgical incisions to pressure ulcers and burns. One particular case that stands out is a patient with a diabetic foot ulcer that required frequent dressing changes and wound debridement. My approach to wound care involves meticulous assessment of the wound, gentle cleansing with the appropriate solution, application of the prescribed dressing, and proper documentation of the wound's progress. I also like to educate my patients and their families on the importance of wound care and how to perform dressing changes at home if necessary.

How do you handle administering medication to patients who are resistant or uncooperative?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
This question is designed to assess your ability to handle challenging patient interactions and demonstrate empathy and understanding. I want to see how you adapt your approach to ensure the patient's needs are met while maintaining their safety and well-being. When answering this question, it's essential to discuss specific strategies you've used to address resistance or uncooperative behavior, such as building rapport, providing education, and involving the patient in decision-making. Avoid focusing on negative aspects of the situation or blaming the patient; instead, emphasize your commitment to patient-centered care and your ability to remain professional and compassionate in difficult circumstances.
- Gerrard Wickert, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Administering medication to resistant or uncooperative patients can be challenging. From what I've seen, it is essential to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. I always make sure to explain the purpose of the medication and its potential benefits, while also addressing any concerns the patient may have. If the patient remains resistant, I collaborate with the healthcare team to explore alternative approaches, such as using different medication forms or adjusting the medication schedule. There was an instance where a patient with dementia was refusing to take her oral medications. I got around that by crushing the pills and mixing them with applesauce, which made it easier for her to accept the medication.

How do you prioritize care for multiple patients with varying needs during a shift?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
This question helps me understand your ability to manage your workload and make sound clinical judgments under pressure. I'm looking for evidence that you can assess the urgency of patient needs, delegate tasks effectively, and maintain a high standard of care despite competing demands. When answering, avoid making vague statements about being organized or efficient. Instead, describe specific strategies you've used to prioritize patient care, such as using a systematic approach, collaborating with colleagues, and constantly reassessing priorities as situations change.
- Jason Lewis, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Prioritizing care is an essential skill for a general nurse. My go-to method for managing multiple patients is to assess each patient's needs at the beginning of my shift and create a plan of care accordingly. I identify the most urgent tasks and attend to those first, while also considering the patient's preferences and scheduled procedures. In my last role, I cared for four patients with different conditions and varying degrees of acuity. I found that regularly reevaluating my plan of care and being flexible with my time management allowed me to effectively address each patient's needs throughout the shift.

Can you describe your experience with IV insertion, and how you ensure proper technique?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
With this question, I want to know if you're proficient in a critical nursing skill and if you understand the importance of using proper technique to prevent complications. It's essential to provide specific examples of your experience with IV insertion, highlighting your knowledge of best practices and your ability to perform the procedure accurately and safely. Avoid glossing over the details or downplaying the importance of proper technique. Instead, demonstrate your expertise by discussing the steps you take to ensure success, such as patient assessment, site selection, and infection prevention measures.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
I have performed numerous IV insertions throughout my nursing career, ranging from straightforward cases to more challenging ones with difficult venous access. To ensure proper technique, I follow a systematic approach: selecting the appropriate site for the IV, preparing the equipment, maintaining aseptic technique, stabilizing the vein, and securing the catheter once inserted. I also make it a point to continuously assess the patient's comfort and provide reassurance during the procedure. One challenge I recently encountered was a patient with severe dehydration, which made it difficult to locate a suitable vein. By taking my time and using a tourniquet, I was able to successfully insert the IV and provide the necessary hydration.

What steps do you take to prevent hospital-acquired infections in your patients?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
This question is about your commitment to patient safety and your understanding of infection prevention measures within the healthcare setting. I want to see that you're proactive in reducing the risk of infections and that you're knowledgeable about evidence-based practices. When answering, avoid providing a generic list of infection control measures. Instead, discuss specific actions you take in your daily practice, such as hand hygiene, proper use of personal protective equipment, and environmental cleaning. Emphasize your understanding of the importance of these measures and your dedication to protecting your patients.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Preventing hospital-acquired infections is a top priority in nursing care. My approach to infection prevention includes strict hand hygiene, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), thorough cleaning and disinfection of patient rooms and equipment, and educating patients and their families on infection prevention measures. In my last role, our unit implemented a hand hygiene campaign to reinforce its importance among staff, patients, and visitors. As a result, we saw a significant decrease in infection rates.

Interview Questions on Patient Assessment

How do you assess a patient's pain level, and what interventions do you use to manage it?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
This question aims to evaluate your ability to effectively assess and manage pain, a vital aspect of nursing care. I want to know if you're able to use a comprehensive approach to assess pain and if you're familiar with various pain management interventions. When answering, avoid focusing solely on medication management or offering a one-size-fits-all approach to pain assessment. Instead, discuss the importance of individualized assessment, using tools such as pain scales and taking into account factors like patient history and nonverbal cues. Share examples of interventions you've used, including both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods, demonstrating your understanding of a holistic approach to pain management.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Assessing a patient's pain level is critical for providing effective pain management. In my experience, I use a combination of pain scales (such as the Numeric Rating Scale or the Wong-Baker FACES scale) and observation of nonverbal cues (like grimacing or restlessness) to evaluate the severity and nature of the pain. Once I have a clear understanding of the patient's pain, I collaborate with the healthcare team to implement appropriate interventions. These may include administering prescribed pain medications, non-pharmacological methods such as relaxation techniques or distraction, and positioning the patient for comfort. I also continuously reassess the patient's pain to ensure that the interventions are effective and adjust them as needed.

Can you describe the process of performing a head-to-toe assessment on a patient?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
When I ask this question, I'm not looking for a textbook answer. Instead, I want to hear about your critical thinking skills and how you approach patient assessments. This question helps me understand if you have a systematic approach and can prioritize the most important aspects of the assessment. It also gives me an idea of how well you can communicate complex processes in a clear, concise manner. Remember, being thorough is important, but I also want to see that you can adapt your assessment based on the patient's condition and needs.

When answering this question, avoid simply listing the steps in a head-to-toe assessment. Instead, demonstrate your understanding of the process by explaining how you prioritize and adapt your assessment, and share any personal techniques or experiences that have helped you become a more effective nurse. This will show me that you're not just repeating information from a textbook, but that you truly understand and can apply the concepts in a real-world setting.
- Grace Abrams, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
A head-to-toe assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of a patient's overall health status. My approach to performing this assessment involves a systematic examination of the patient's body systems, starting from the head and working my way down to the toes. I begin with the general appearance, assessing the patient's level of consciousness, skin color, and overall comfort. Next, I move on to the head and neck, checking for symmetry, palpating lymph nodes, and assessing cranial nerves. The respiratory system assessment includes listening to lung sounds and observing the patient's breathing pattern. I then assess the cardiovascular system by checking the patient's heart rate, rhythm, and peripheral pulses. The abdomen is assessed for distension, tenderness, and bowel sounds. Finally, I examine the musculoskeletal system by evaluating the patient's strength, range of motion, and overall mobility. Throughout the assessment, I continuously engage with the patient to address any concerns and ensure their comfort.

How do you assess a patient's mental status and recognize any potential cognitive issues?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
With this question, I'm trying to determine if you have the necessary skills and experience to identify and address cognitive issues in patients. Mental status assessments are a critical part of nursing care, and I want to know that you can recognize when a patient might be experiencing cognitive problems and take appropriate action.

When answering, share specific examples of situations where you have assessed a patient's mental status and recognized potential cognitive issues. Describe the steps you took to address the situation, and any challenges you encountered along the way. This will give me a better understanding of your clinical judgment and ability to think critically in challenging situations. Additionally, be sure to mention any specific assessment tools or techniques you use to help identify cognitive issues, as this will demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in this area.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
In my experience, assessing a patient's mental status involves a combination of observation, communication, and various assessment tools. I like to start by observing the patient's appearance, behavior, and overall level of alertness. I then engage the patient in conversation, asking them questions about their personal history, current situation, and any concerns they may have. This helps me gauge their level of orientation, memory, and ability to communicate effectively.

Additionally, I utilize tools like the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) to help identify any potential cognitive issues. These assessments provide me with a more structured and objective evaluation of the patient's cognitive abilities. By combining these approaches, I can more accurately assess a patient's mental status and recognize any potential cognitive issues that may require further evaluation or intervention.

What are some key indicators of a deteriorating patient, and how do you respond to those signs?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
This question is designed to test your clinical knowledge and critical thinking skills, as well as your ability to recognize and respond to changes in a patient's condition. In my experience, some candidates may struggle with this question because they focus too much on providing a comprehensive list of potential indicators, rather than demonstrating their understanding of the underlying concepts and their ability to act quickly and effectively in a crisis.

When answering this question, it's important to strike a balance between showcasing your clinical knowledge and demonstrating your ability to think critically and respond appropriately. Focus on a few key indicators that you feel are most important, and then explain how you would respond to each one in a real-world situation. This will help me understand not just what you know, but how you apply that knowledge in a high-pressure environment.
- Grace Abrams, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
From what I've seen, some key indicators of a deteriorating patient include changes in vital signs, such as increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and altered respiratory rate or pattern. In addition, changes in mental status, increased pain, and decreased urine output can also signal a decline in the patient's condition.

When I notice these signs, my go-to response is to first ensure the patient's immediate safety and comfort. I then gather more information by reassessing vital signs, reviewing recent lab results, and conducting a focused physical assessment. Communication is crucial in these situations, so I promptly notify the appropriate healthcare team members, such as the patient's primary care provider or the rapid response team, depending on the severity of the situation.

By taking these steps, I can quickly address any potential issues and provide the necessary interventions to stabilize the patient and prevent further deterioration.

How do you assess and monitor a patient's fluid balance?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
Fluid balance is a crucial aspect of patient care, and I want to know that you have the skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage this component of nursing. This question allows me to assess your understanding of fluid balance concepts, as well as your ability to accurately monitor and document a patient's fluid status.

When answering, provide specific examples of how you have assessed and monitored fluid balance in the past, including any challenges you encountered and how you overcame them. Don't forget to mention any specific tools or techniques you use to help ensure accurate monitoring and documentation. This will show me that you not only understand the importance of fluid balance but also have the skills and experience needed to effectively manage this aspect of patient care.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
In my experience, assessing and monitoring a patient's fluid balance requires a combination of daily weights, intake and output (I&O) measurements, and clinical assessment. Daily weights are a reliable indicator of fluid status, as weight changes often reflect fluid gains or losses. I also meticulously record the patient's intake and output, including oral fluids, intravenous infusions, and losses through urine, vomit, and other bodily fluids.

A thorough clinical assessment is another essential component of monitoring fluid balance. I pay close attention to the patient's skin turgor, mucous membranes, and peripheral edema to evaluate hydration status. In addition, I monitor laboratory values, such as serum electrolytes and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), to identify any potential imbalances.

By consistently tracking these factors, I can effectively assess and monitor a patient's fluid balance and promptly address any imbalances or concerns that may arise.

Interview Questions on Communication and Collaboration

How do you approach communicating with patients and families from diverse cultural backgrounds?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
I ask this question to gauge your cultural competence and your ability to adapt your communication style to meet the needs of different patients. In today's diverse healthcare environment, it's crucial for nurses to be able to interact effectively with patients from various cultural backgrounds. By asking this question, I want to know whether you're aware of the importance of cultural sensitivity and how you put that into practice. Avoid giving generic answers like "I treat everyone the same." Instead, focus on specific strategies you use to make patients feel comfortable and understood, such as learning key phrases in their language or using a translator.
- Grace Abrams, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
When communicating with patients and families from diverse cultural backgrounds, I believe it's essential to approach each interaction with respect, empathy, and cultural sensitivity. I make a conscious effort to learn about the patient's cultural beliefs, values, and preferences, as this helps me better understand their unique needs and tailor my care accordingly.

In cases where language barriers are present, I utilize interpreter services or other translation tools to ensure accurate and effective communication. I also pay close attention to nonverbal cues, as these can provide valuable insight into the patient's comfort level and understanding of the information being discussed.

By adopting a culturally sensitive and respectful approach, I can establish trust and rapport with patients and families from diverse backgrounds, ultimately leading to improved patient satisfaction and outcomes.

Can you describe your process for providing a thorough handover report to the incoming nurse?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
The purpose of this question is to understand how well you can communicate important information to your colleagues. A thorough handover report is essential for ensuring continuity of care and patient safety. I'm looking for details on how you organize and prioritize the information you share, as well as any specific techniques you use to make sure nothing is missed. Avoid answers that are too general or don't demonstrate a clear understanding of the importance of handover reports. Instead, talk about your approach to gathering and presenting information and how you verify that the incoming nurse has understood everything.
- Gerrard Wickert, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
A thorough handover report is crucial for ensuring continuity of care and patient safety. My go-to method for providing a comprehensive report is to use the ISBAR (Identification, Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) framework. This structured format ensures that all pertinent information is covered and allows for a smooth and efficient handover process.

I begin with the patient's identification, including their name, age, and room number. I then provide an overview of the patient's current situation, including their primary diagnosis, reason for admission, and any significant events that occurred during my shift.

Next, I share relevant background information, such as medical history, allergies, and recent lab results. I follow this with my assessment of the patient's current condition, including vital signs, physical assessment findings, and any ongoing treatments or interventions.

Finally, I provide recommendations for the incoming nurse, highlighting any concerns or anticipated needs that may arise during their shift. Throughout the handover process, I encourage questions and open dialogue to ensure a clear understanding of the patient's status and care plan.

By utilizing the ISBAR framework and fostering open communication, I can provide a thorough and effective handover report, ultimately promoting seamless transitions of care and optimal patient outcomes.

How do you handle conflicts or disagreements with colleagues during a shift?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
Conflict resolution skills are essential for nurses, as disagreements can arise in a high-pressure healthcare environment. When I ask this question, I want to know how you approach resolving conflicts in a professional and constructive manner. Focus on your ability to stay calm, listen to others' perspectives, and find a solution that benefits everyone involved. Avoid answers that suggest you avoid conflict altogether or that you're unwilling to compromise.
- Kyle Harrison, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
In my experience, conflicts or disagreements with colleagues can sometimes be inevitable, especially during a busy shift. However, I've found that the best approach to handle such situations is to remain calm, respectful, and professional. One strategy I like to use is to actively listen to my colleague's concerns or viewpoints, as this helps me better understand their perspective. I then try to find common ground or a compromise that works for both parties. For example, I recall a time when I disagreed with a colleague on the proper treatment plan for a patient. We had a respectful discussion, considering each other's opinions, and ultimately decided to consult the attending physician for guidance. This approach not only maintained a positive working environment but also ensured the best possible care for our patient.

Interview Questions on Nursing Procedures and Protocols

Can you walk me through the steps you take when admitting a new patient to the unit?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
This question helps me understand your attention to detail and your ability to follow established protocols. Admitting a new patient involves a series of specific steps, and it's important that you're familiar with them to ensure patient safety and smooth transitions. Avoid giving a vague or incomplete answer. Instead, describe the process in a clear, step-by-step manner, highlighting any particular areas where you pay extra attention or use specific techniques to ensure accuracy and thoroughness.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Certainly! When admitting a new patient to the unit, I like to think of it as a step-by-step process to ensure a smooth transition and establish a strong foundation for their care. My go-to steps include:

1. Reviewing the patient's medical records and referral information to gain a comprehensive understanding of their medical history, diagnosis, and any special needs or precautions.
2. Introducing myself and building rapport with the patient and their family, as this helps create a comfortable and trusting environment.
3. Conducting a thorough physical assessment and vital signs check to establish a baseline for their condition.
4. Collaborating with the interdisciplinary team to develop an individualized care plan that addresses the patient's needs and goals.
5. Documenting all relevant information in the patient's electronic health record, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
6. Educating the patient and their family on their condition, medications, and any necessary lifestyle changes or self-care techniques.

By following these steps, I can ensure that the patient's admission is well-organized and that their care is off to a strong start.

How do you ensure that you're following evidence-based practice guidelines in your nursing care?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
Evidence-based practice is crucial for providing the best possible care to patients. By asking this question, I want to know how you stay updated on the latest research, guidelines, and best practices in your field. Share specific strategies you use to stay informed, such as attending conferences, participating in continuing education courses, or collaborating with colleagues. Avoid answers that suggest you rely solely on your past experience or personal preferences.
- Gerrard Wickert, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
I believe that staying current with evidence-based practice guidelines is crucial for providing safe, effective, and high-quality nursing care. To ensure that I'm following these guidelines, I:

1. Regularly review and update my knowledge of clinical practice guidelines and recommendations from reputable sources, such as professional nursing organizations and government health agencies.
2. Participate in continuing education opportunities, such as workshops, seminars, and online courses, to stay informed about the latest research and best practices.
3. Collaborate with my interdisciplinary team to discuss and implement evidence-based practices in our daily patient care.
4. Utilize hospital resources, such as access to research databases and clinical practice guideline repositories, to stay informed and support my practice.

By taking these steps, I can ensure that my nursing care is aligned with the most current and effective evidence-based practices.

Can you describe a situation where you had to initiate emergency protocols, and what actions you took?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
This question allows me to assess your ability to think critically, act decisively, and remain calm under pressure. In an emergency situation, a nurse's actions can make a significant difference in patient outcomes. When answering this question, provide a detailed account of the situation, the actions you took, and the outcome. Focus on your ability to quickly assess the situation, prioritize tasks, and communicate effectively with your team. Avoid answers that downplay the importance of emergency protocols or suggest that you don't have experience handling emergencies.
- Jason Lewis, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
I recall a situation in my previous role where I was caring for a patient who suddenly experienced a rapid decline in their condition. The patient became unresponsive, and their vital signs were unstable. I immediately recognized the severity of the situation and initiated our emergency protocols.

First, I called for assistance from my colleagues and alerted the charge nurse of the situation. While waiting for help to arrive, I performed a quick assessment of the patient to determine the most likely cause of their deterioration. As the team arrived, I delegated tasks to my colleagues to ensure efficient and effective care. We initiated CPR and other life-saving interventions as per our protocols, while also communicating with the patient's family to keep them informed and provide emotional support.

Ultimately, our quick response and adherence to emergency protocols helped stabilize the patient, and they were transferred to a higher level of care for further management. This experience reinforced the importance of being well-versed in emergency protocols and acting swiftly in critical situations.

How do you stay up-to-date on the latest best practices and nursing protocols?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
I want to know that you're dedicated to your professional development and staying informed about changes in the nursing field. It's important for nurses to be proactive in learning about new practices and techniques, as this directly impacts patient care. Additionally, your answer will give me an idea of your learning style and how you approach continuous improvement. I'm looking for candidates who take the initiative to seek out new information and have a genuine interest in expanding their knowledge base.

Keep in mind that I'm not necessarily expecting you to list every resource you use, but rather to demonstrate a commitment to ongoing learning. If you can mention specific conferences, workshops, or online resources that you've found helpful, that's great. Avoid vague or generic answers like "I read nursing journals" without providing any more detail, as this doesn't give me a clear sense of your actual engagement with the field.
- Grace Abrams, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Staying up-to-date on the latest best practices and nursing protocols is essential for providing the best possible care to my patients. Some strategies I use to stay current include:

1. Reading nursing journals and professional publications to stay informed about new research findings and practice recommendations.
2. Attending conferences and workshops to learn from experts in the field and engage in networking opportunities with other nursing professionals.
3. Participating in continuing education courses to refresh my knowledge and skills and earn any necessary certifications or credentials.
4. Engaging in discussions with colleagues to exchange information about new practices and protocols that we've encountered in our clinical practice.
5. Subscribing to professional nursing organizations to receive regular updates on best practices, guidelines, and other relevant information.

By using these strategies, I can ensure that my nursing practice remains current and that I'm providing the highest quality care to my patients.

What steps do you take to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality while providing care?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
This question is crucial because it speaks to your understanding of and commitment to patient rights and ethics. I need to know that you take these issues seriously and that you're aware of the relevant regulations and best practices. Additionally, your answer can help me understand how you handle sensitive situations and if you're able to balance the need for privacy with the need to provide care.

When responding, be specific in describing the steps you take to protect patient privacy. It's not enough to simply say that you're aware of the importance of confidentiality. Instead, provide concrete examples of measures you've taken, such as using privacy curtains, speaking quietly, or not discussing patient information in public areas. Avoid answers that show a lack of understanding of patient privacy, such as focusing solely on electronic records and ignoring the importance of maintaining privacy during care interactions.
- Grace Abrams, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Patient privacy and confidentiality are fundamental aspects of nursing care, and it's essential to maintain them at all times. Some steps I take to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality include:

1. Following HIPAA guidelines and my institution's policies on handling and sharing patient information.
2. Using discretion when discussing patient information with colleagues, ensuring that conversations take place in private settings and only with those involved in the patient's care.
3. Being mindful of my surroundings when accessing patient records, making sure that unauthorized individuals cannot view the information.
4. Using secure methods of communication, such as encrypted email or secure messaging platforms, when sharing patient information with other healthcare providers.
5. Educating patients and their families about their rights to privacy and confidentiality, and involving them in decisions about sharing their information with others.

By taking these steps, I can protect my patients' privacy and confidentiality and foster a trusting and respectful healthcare environment.

Interview Questions on Time Management and Organization

How do you prioritize tasks during a busy shift to ensure all patients receive appropriate care?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
As a hiring manager, I understand that nursing can be a demanding job with many competing priorities. This question helps me gauge your ability to manage your time effectively and make sound decisions under pressure. It also gives me insight into how you approach problem-solving and collaborate with colleagues.

When answering this question, it's important to show that you have a logical approach to prioritizing tasks and are able to adapt when necessary. Briefly explain the factors you consider when deciding which tasks to tackle first and how you balance the needs of multiple patients. Be sure to highlight your ability to communicate with your team and delegate tasks when appropriate. Avoid answers that suggest a lack of organization or an inability to handle competing demands, such as saying that you simply "do what's most urgent" without any further explanation.
- Gerrard Wickert, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
Prioritizing tasks during a busy shift is crucial for ensuring that all patients receive appropriate care and that the unit runs smoothly. In my experience, the key to effective prioritization is to assess the urgency and importance of each task and adjust my approach accordingly. Some strategies I use to prioritize tasks include:

1. Performing regular patient assessments to determine their needs and identify any changes in their condition.
2. Developing a mental or written to-do list at the beginning of my shift, ranking tasks based on their urgency and importance.
3. Delegating tasks to other team members when appropriate, ensuring that everyone is working efficiently and collaboratively.
4. Adapting my plan throughout the shift as new tasks or priorities emerge, always keeping patient safety and well-being as my top priority.
5. Communicating with my colleagues about the status of tasks and any assistance needed to ensure that all patients receive timely and appropriate care.

By using these strategies and remaining flexible during my shift, I can effectively prioritize tasks and ensure that all patients receive the care they need.

Can you provide an example of a time when you had to quickly adapt your plan of care due to a changing patient situation?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
This question is designed to assess your ability to think on your feet and adapt to unexpected situations. Nursing is a dynamic profession, and I want to know that you're able to recognize when a patient's needs have changed and adjust your approach accordingly. Your answer will also give me an idea of how well you can communicate with other members of the healthcare team and advocate for your patients.

When responding, provide a specific example of a situation where you had to change your plan of care and explain the steps you took to adapt. Focus on the reasoning behind your decision and the outcome of the situation. Be sure to emphasize your ability to work collaboratively with others and remain calm under pressure. Avoid answers that suggest a reluctance to change or an inability to recognize when a situation requires a different approach.
- Jason Lewis, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
In my experience, being able to adapt quickly to changing patient situations is a critical skill for a general nurse. One particular instance that comes to mind is when I was working on a medical-surgical floor, and I had a patient who had just undergone surgery. Initially, the patient's vitals were stable, and the plan was to monitor them closely and administer pain medication as needed.

However, about an hour into my shift, the patient's condition suddenly deteriorated. Their blood pressure dropped, and they began to exhibit signs of confusion. I quickly assessed the situation and realized that they were likely experiencing a postoperative complication. I immediately alerted the physician and collaborated with the healthcare team to revise the plan of care.

The patient required additional diagnostic tests, close monitoring, and a change in medication. By staying vigilant and adapting the plan of care quickly, we were able to prevent further complications and ensure the patient's safety.

Behavioral Questions

Interview Questions on Patient Care

Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult patient. How did you handle the situation?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
As a hiring manager, what I'm really trying to accomplish by asking this question is to assess your ability to handle challenging situations and maintain professionalism. Nursing can be a demanding profession, and dealing with difficult patients is a common occurrence. Demonstrating your capability to manage such situations shows adaptability, strong communication skills, and empathy. In your answer, ensure you highlight these qualities, and explain how you managed to resolve the issue.

It's important to provide a specific example, explaining the situation and your thought process throughout it. Focus on the actions you took, and how they led to a successful outcome. Your answer should convey a sense of understanding, patience, and problem-solving skills – all of which are crucial for a nurse handling difficult patients.
- Carlson Tyler-Smith, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
There was a time when I was working in the geriatric ward, and I had a particularly challenging patient who was suffering from dementia. He was often confused and agitated, making it difficult for us to provide him with the care he needed. My approach to handling this patient involved patience, empathy, and adaptive communication skills.

At the beginning of my shift, I would calmly introduce myself to him every day, reassuring him of my presence and role in his care. I found that using a gentle tone and simple, clear language was crucial in helping him understand his surroundings and reducing his agitation. Over time, I learned about his interests and would engage him in conversations to build trust and rapport.

There were moments when the patient would become aggressive or uncooperative. In these situations, I made sure to give him space and time to process his emotions before attempting to address the issue or continue with his care. By being patient and understanding, I was able to gain his trust, and eventually, he became more cooperative during his daily care routines.

Ultimately, I learned the importance of adapting my communication style and focusing on the unique needs of each patient. It made me a better nurse by improving my ability to handle difficult situations while providing compassionate care.

Describe a time when you had to advocate for a patient's needs. How did you go about doing so?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
When interviewers ask about advocating for a patient's needs, they want to see how well you can navigate challenging situations while keeping the best interests of the patient in mind. They are looking for examples of your problem-solving and communication skills, as well as your ability to empathize with the patient's needs. By asking this question, they aim to assess your dedication to patient care, your confidence in standing up for what you believe is right, and your ability to work collaboratively with others in a potentially tense situation.

Addressing this question effectively can set you apart as a candidate, demonstrating that you bring a strong sense of compassion and commitment to your nursing practice. Make sure to provide a specific example of a time you advocated for a patient and describe how you went about doing so in a clear and concise manner.
- Jason Lewis, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
There was a time when I was taking care of a patient with complex medical issues. He was scheduled for surgery but had recently undergone a change in his medications. I noticed that the patient was experiencing unusual side effects, and I became concerned that the standard surgical approach might not be the best option for him. I knew it was important to advocate for his needs and ensure his safety was the top priority.

I first gathered all relevant information about the patient's medical history, current medication regimen, and recent changes. Then, I approached the surgeon and discussed my concerns, providing evidence as to why I believed the standard procedure may not be in the patient's best interest. My goal was to open up a dialogue and explore possible options that would be better suited for the patient's unique situation.

The surgeon appreciated my insight and acknowledged my concerns. We discussed alternative approaches, and ultimately, the surgeon decided to postpone the surgery until the patient's medication-related side effects had resolved. I was proud to have successfully advocated for my patient's safety, and it reinforced the importance of thorough assessment, effective communication, and empathy in nursing care.

Can you share a situation where you had to think quickly on your feet to address a patient's urgent needs?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
As an interviewer, I want to see your ability to adapt to unexpected situations and think critically under pressure. This question allows me to understand your problem-solving skills and how well you can react to an urgent issue while maintaining your composure. I'm looking for a clear example that demonstrates your ability to assess a patient's needs, prioritize their care, and find an effective solution in a short period.

In your answer, focus on a specific situation where you encountered an urgent patient's needs and explain how you took action and why. It's essential to show that you can maintain your professionalism and calm demeanor while addressing the issue. Be sure to highlight the positive outcome that resulted from your quick thinking, and emphasize your ability to adapt and learn from the experience.
- Kyle Harrison, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
During my time working as a nurse at a busy emergency department, I encountered a situation that required me to think quickly and prioritize a patient's urgent needs. One evening, we were short-staffed, and I had just finished assessing a patient with chest pain when I noticed another patient, who had been waiting for a while, holding his head in his hands, visibly in distress and slurring his speech.

Realizing this could potentially be a stroke, I quickly informed the charge nurse and the attending physician of my concerns. I then immediately attended to the patient, checking his vitals, ensuring he was comfortable, while gathering information about the onset of his symptoms and any possible risk factors. I relayed this information to the physician, who ordered a CT scan, which confirmed the patient was indeed experiencing a stroke.

Thanks to my quick thinking and prioritization, the patient was able to receive appropriate treatment in a timely fashion, which significantly reduced the risk of long-term damage. This experience taught me the importance of always being vigilant and ready to adapt when addressing patients' urgent needs, ensuring the best possible care for each individual.

Interview Questions on Collaboration

Have you ever had a disagreement with a colleague or a physician? How did you resolve it?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
As an interviewer, I'd ask this question to understand how you handle professional conflicts and maintain a healthy work environment. Your ability to navigate disagreements and conflicts is crucial in a role like a General Nurse, where teamwork and collaboration are essential for patient care. I want to see if you're able to communicate effectively, maintain professionalism, and find a resolution that benefits everyone involved.

When answering this question, focus on how you approach conflicts with empathy, active listening, and problem-solving skills. Share a specific example, but avoid pointing fingers or portraying your colleagues negatively. Instead, showcase your ability to assess the situation, understand different perspectives, and work towards a mutually agreeable solution.
- Grace Abrams, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
I remember an incident when I disagreed with a colleague about the course of action for a patient's care. The patient had a complex medical history and my colleague believed that the patient should be discharged immediately, while I felt more tests were needed to ensure their safety.

First, I made sure to actively listen to my colleague's perspective, acknowledging their concerns and expertise. I made it clear that my priority was the patient's well-being and that I was open to discussing different approaches. We both agreed that we wanted what was best for the patient, which helped us focus on finding common ground.

I suggested we consult with the patient's primary physician and share our concerns. After discussing the situation and reviewing the medical records, the physician recommended additional tests before discharging the patient. This step helped us ensure that the patient received the necessary care and that we were both comfortable with the decision. We were able to resolve the disagreement by focusing on the patient's needs and collaborating with the physician to make an informed decision. This experience taught me the importance of open communication, active listening, and teamwork in providing the best care for our patients.

Can you share an example of how you worked collaboratively with a healthcare team to provide quality patient care?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
As an interviewer, I'd be asking this question to understand your ability to work effectively within a multidisciplinary healthcare team. In nursing, collaboration is crucial to ensure proper patient care and successful outcomes. I want to know if you can communicate, be adaptable, and work well with others. What I like to see is a candidate who can share a specific example that demonstrates these abilities. Be sure to highlight your role in the collaboration, how you managed to work well with others, and the positive outcome that resulted from the teamwork.

Remember, this question gives me a good idea of your interpersonal skills and how you handle challenges in a group setting. Be sure to emphasize your communication, problem-solving, and adaptability skills. Share insights into how you identified an issue, addressed it as a team, and how the collaboration improved the situation for the patient.
- Gerrard Wickert, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
There was a time when I was working as a nurse on a busy medical-surgical unit. We had a patient who had recently undergone a difficult surgery and was experiencing postoperative complications. The patient was in a great deal of pain and was having trouble keeping their medications down. The physicians, pharmacists, and nursing staff were all involved in the patient's care, but there was still some confusion about the best approach to help the patient.

My role in this collaborative effort began when I noticed a pattern in the patient's symptoms. They seemed to worsen after receiving a certain medication. I brought this to the attention of the healthcare team during our daily rounds, and we decided to investigate further. The pharmacist conducted a medication review, and we discovered that the patient was experiencing a rare side effect from the medication. Together, we worked to adjust the patient's medication regimen, and I provided thorough medication education to the patient and their family, ensuring they understood the changes and why they were necessary.

Throughout this process, strong communication and teamwork proved to be essential. We all had to be open to feedback and willing to adapt our approach based on new information. The result of our collaboration was a much-improved patient experience, as the patient's pain was better managed, and they were able to make a full recovery ultimately. This experience really reinforced the importance of working as a cohesive unit to provide the best care possible for our patients.

Tell me about a time when you identified a problem with a patient's care plan and how you collaborated with the team to resolve it.

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
When asking this question, interviewers are looking to see how proactive you are in identifying issues and collaborating with your colleagues to find a solution. They want to know if you can communicate effectively within a team, take initiative, and be an advocate for your patients to ensure their well-being. As a nurse, you'll be faced with various challenges, and interviewers want to make sure you can handle them appropriately. By answering this question, try to show your problem-solving skills and your ability to work well with others, which are essential qualities in a nursing role.
- Jason Lewis, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
A few months ago, I was working with a patient who was suffering from chronic pain due to a previous back injury. The patient's care plan included pain management through medication, but I noticed that the patient's pain levels were not improving. I felt it was essential to bring this issue to the attention of the multidisciplinary team, as the current care plan wasn't helping the patient to recover.

I approached the patient's physician and the rest of the team, sharing my observations and concerns about the patient's pain management. I suggested we consider alternative pain relief methods, such as physiotherapy, to address the root cause of the pain rather than just masking it with medication. The team appreciated my input, and we worked together to modify the patient's care plan, incorporating physiotherapy sessions into their treatment.

As a result, the patient's pain levels gradually decreased, and they reported feeling more in control of their pain instead of solely relying on medication. This experience reinforced the importance of actively collaborating with the healthcare team to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. It also reminded me that, as a nurse, I must continuously assess and reassess the effectiveness of a care plan and advocate for my patients when necessary.

Interview Questions on Professionalism

How do you ensure that you are providing culturally competent care to your patients?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
When interviewers ask about culturally competent care, they want to gauge your understanding of cultural sensitivity and your approach towards patients from diverse backgrounds. They are looking for evidence that you can effectively communicate and empathize with patients who have different beliefs, customs, or communication styles. In today's multicultural world, the ability to provide culturally competent care is crucial for patient satisfaction and successful healthcare outcomes.

As a hiring manager, I'd like to see that you're proactive in learning about different cultures and can adapt your nursing care to accommodate patients' cultural needs. Your answer should demonstrate a genuine commitment to understanding and respecting patients' values and beliefs, while also displaying your ability to remain open-minded, flexible, and compassionate in your care.
- Grace Abrams, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
During my nursing experience, I've had the opportunity to work with patients from various cultural backgrounds. One thing I've learned is that cultural competence is not a one-time effort, but an ongoing process of learning and adapting. To ensure that I am providing culturally competent care, I take a few steps:

First, I educate myself about the cultural norms, beliefs, and values of the patient populations I serve. I reach out to colleagues from diverse backgrounds, attend cultural competency workshops, and do independent research. For example, when I started working with a significant number of Muslim patients, I learned about their customs around modesty and gender roles, which helped me respect their preferences during physical examinations.

Second, I practice active listening and ask open-ended questions to learn about each patient's unique cultural needs and preferences. I find that patients appreciate it when I take the time to understand their perspectives and concerns. For instance, I once cared for an elderly Chinese patient who needed a blood transfusion but was reluctant due to cultural beliefs about the significance of blood. We engaged in a respectful conversation to explore alternatives and find a solution that met both his medical needs and cultural preferences.

Lastly, I always maintain a non-judgmental and empathetic attitude while caring for patients from different cultures. I believe that it's essential to respect and validate their feelings, even when their experiences and beliefs may differ from mine.

Overall, I believe in continuously improving my cultural competence to ensure that I can provide the best care possible to all patients, regardless of their cultural background.

Describe a time when you had to maintain patient confidentiality and how you handled the situation.

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
From this question, the interviewer is trying to gauge your understanding of patient confidentiality and how seriously you take this responsibility as a nurse. They're also looking to see your problem-solving skills and judgment when faced with a situation that could potentially compromise patient privacy. As a hiring manager, I like to see a candidate who is not only aware of the importance of confidentiality but also proactive and resourceful in maintaining it.

When answering this question, be sure to highlight specific details about the situation and how you responded, without disclosing any actual confidential patient information, of course. Talk about your thought process and the actions you took, demonstrating how you prioritized patient privacy and upheld ethical standards.
- Kyle Harrison, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
I remember a time when I was working in a busy hospital unit, and a fellow nurse needed help administering medication to one of their patients. When I entered the room, I noticed that the patient's family members were present, and they started asking me questions about his condition and prognosis. While I wanted to be helpful, I realized that I needed to maintain my patient's confidentiality and respect his right to privacy.

So, what I did was explain to the family that, although I understood their concerns, it was not appropriate for me to discuss their loved one's medical information without the patient's permission. I suggested they speak with my fellow nurse or the doctor who was overseeing the patient's care, as they would be able to provide the appropriate information and guidance. Meanwhile, I focused on assisting with the medication administration, always keeping the patient's privacy at the forefront of my actions.

In this situation, I demonstrated my commitment to patient confidentiality by maintaining my professional boundaries, communicating clearly and tactfully with the family, and ensuring that the patient's privacy was protected throughout the interaction.

Can you share an experience where you had to balance the needs of multiple patients while still providing high-quality care?

Hiring Manager for General Nurse Roles
As an interviewer, I'm looking for a candidate who can demonstrate their ability to manage their time effectively and maintain a high standard of care, even when under pressure. This question helps me understand how you handle challenging situations and prioritize tasks to ensure all patients receive the care they need. It's vital for nurses to stay organized and adapt to changing circumstances, as this is a common scenario in a healthcare setting.

When answering this question, focus on a specific experience that showcases your skills in multitasking, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining your composure under pressure. Ensure your answer reflects your dedication to providing the best possible care for your patients, even when dealing with multiple demands at once.
- Gerrard Wickert, Hiring Manager
Sample Answer
In my previous job at a busy urgent care clinic, I was responsible for triaging and providing care for multiple patients simultaneously. One particularly hectic day, we had several patients with various levels of needs arriving within a short time frame.

My first priority was to assess each patient's condition and assign them to the appropriate level of care. By quickly prioritizing the most critical cases, I could ensure that those in urgent need were attended to first. I remember having to juggle between a patient experiencing severe shortness of breath, a child with a high fever, and an elderly patient with a severe headache.

I communicated closely with the other nurses and providers on the floor to share information about each patient's condition and the treatments they needed. This helped us work as a team to ensure that each patient received the care they needed in a timely manner.

At the same time, I made sure to keep each patient informed about what was happening, addressing their concerns and answering their questions whenever possible. This helped alleviate some of the stress they were feeling and assured them that they were receiving the best possible care.

While it was a challenging day, it was also a rewarding experience that reinforced the importance of effective time management, prioritization, and teamwork in a busy healthcare setting. It taught me that even when faced with multiple demands, I can still provide high-quality care to all my patients.